What Did Jesus Promise His Disciples?

Jesus made several promises to His disciples before ascending to heaven. These promises include the coming of the Holy Spirit and the assurance of eternal life for believers.

Jesus’s promises to His disciples were not mere words; they were pledges of His love and faithfulness. He assured them that they would not be left alone but would receive the Holy Spirit, who would guide and empower them in their journey of faith. Additionally, Jesus promised eternal life to those who believe in Him, giving them the hope of a future beyond this earthly realm.

These promises were not just applicable to the disciples of Jesus at that time. Today, they serve as a source of assurance and encouragement for all believers, reminding us of the love and faithfulness of our Savior. Let’s explore some of the key promises that Jesus made to His disciples:

The Great Commission

In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus gave His disciples the Great Commission. He instructed them to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe His commandments.

This command from Jesus is a promise that He will be with them always as they carry out this mission.

Instructions for the Great Commission

  1. Make disciples of all nations.
  2. Baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  3. Teach them to observe Jesus’ commandments.

The Great Commission is a call to spread the teachings of Jesus, baptize new believers, and guide them in living a life of obedience to His commandments. It is a responsibility that Jesus entrusted to His disciples and continues to be relevant to believers today.

Assurance of His Presence

After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples and assured them of His presence, despite their doubts and self-doubt. He understood their uncertainties and fears, but He lovingly promised that He would be with them always, even to the end of the age. This assurance of His presence provided them with the confidence and resources they needed to fulfill the mission of God.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”

John 14:1-3 (NIV)

Jesus knew that His disciples would face moments of doubt and uncertainty, but He wanted them to know that He would never abandon them. He promised to be by their side through every challenge and triumph they would encounter on their mission.

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:20)

Jesus’ promise of His presence extends beyond the immediate physical presence of being with His disciples. It encompasses the spiritual presence that believers experience as they continue His work in the world today.

The Unwavering Support of Jesus:

Jesus’ assurance of His presence provided His disciples with the unwavering support they needed to overcome their doubts and self-doubt. It bolstered their faith and reassured them that they were not alone in their journey. With Jesus by their side, they were equipped to face any challenge and fulfill their calling.

Assurance of His Presence Impact on the Disciples
Jesus’ promise to be with them always Provided comfort and peace in moments of doubt
The assurance of eternal presence Bolstered their confidence and resolve to fulfill the mission
The unwavering support of Jesus Enabled them to overcome self-doubt and fulfill their calling

Throughout their journey, the disciples faced numerous challenges, but the presence of Jesus gave them the strength and courage to press on. His unwavering support guided them through moments of doubt and self-doubt, reminding them of their purpose and the mission of God.

Jesus with His disciples

All Authority and Power

Jesus assured His disciples that He had been given all authority in heaven and on earth. This meant that they could carry out their mission under His authority and with His power. Jesus promised to provide everything they needed to accomplish their mission.

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” – Matthew 28:18

Jesus, as the Son of God, possessed ultimate authority and power over all creation. He delegated this authority to His disciples, empowering them to fulfill their mission to spread the message of salvation and make disciples of all nations.

This promise of authority and power reassured the disciples that they had the backing and endorsement of the highest authority in their pursuit of the Great Commission. They could approach their mission with confidence, knowing that Jesus had granted them the authority to act in His name and power.

With this authority, the disciples were equipped to overcome any obstacles or opposition they encountered in their mission. They had the power to perform miracles, heal the sick, cast out demons, and proclaim the truth of the Gospel with conviction.

Table: Power and Authority bestowed upon the Disciples

Authority and Power Examples
Healing and Miracles Healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out demons.
Teaching and Preaching Proclaiming the Gospel, teaching the commandments of Jesus.
Binding and Loosing Exercising spiritual authority to bind and loose on earth as it is in heaven.
Forgiving Sins Granting forgiveness on behalf of Jesus to repentant sinners.

Under the authority and power of Jesus, the disciples accomplished remarkable feats, establishing the foundation of the early Church. Their testimonies and acts of power drew people to the transformative message of the Gospel, leading to the growth and expansion of Christianity.

As believers today, we can also draw strength from this promise of authority and power. Just as Jesus entrusted His disciples with authority, He invites us to operate in His authority and power as we continue His mission in the world.

Through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, we have access to the same authority and power that enabled the disciples to accomplish extraordinary things. By aligning ourselves with Jesus and relying on His power, we can boldly and effectively share the good news of salvation, make disciples, and impact the world for His kingdom.

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit

Jesus promised His disciples that He would ask the Father to send them the Holy Spirit as a Comforter and a guide. The Holy Spirit would not only walk alongside them but also indwell them, empowering them to fulfill their mission and guiding them into all truth.

The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is a significant aspect of the disciples’ journey. Through the presence of the Holy Spirit, they were equipped with divine power and guidance to carry out the mission entrusted to them by Jesus. This indwelling allowed them to experience a deeper connection with God and a heightened understanding of His truth.

“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”
– John 14:26

The Holy Spirit empowers believers to be witnesses and ambassadors of Christ, enabling them to proclaim the message of salvation with boldness and clarity. This divine presence strengthens their faith, comforts them in times of trial, and guides them in making righteous choices.

  1. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit empowers believers to fulfill their mission.
  2. The Holy Spirit guides believers into all truth.
  3. The presence of the Holy Spirit strengthens faith and provides comfort.
  4. The Holy Spirit enables believers to make righteous choices.
Benefits of the Holy Spirit’s Indwelling Scripture References
Empowerment for mission Acts 1:8
Guidance into truth John 16:13
Strength and comfort John 14:16, Acts 9:31
Transformation and empowerment for righteous living Galatians 5:16-25

Unconditional Acceptance

Jesus assured His disciples that whoever comes to Him will never be driven away. He accepts all those who choose to follow Him. His invitation extends to everyone, without any conditions or limitations.

Jesus’ message of acceptance and love is one of the central tenets of His teachings. He welcomes all who seek Him, regardless of their past or background. There is no judgment or rejection in His embrace but only a profound sense of love and compassion.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28

In a world where many seek acceptance and belonging, Jesus offers a refuge for all. His love knows no boundaries and is available to anyone who chooses to follow Him. It is a love that brings healing, restoration, and purpose to those who embrace it.

Jesus Never Rejects

Unlike human relationships that may come with conditions or limitations, Jesus’ acceptance is unwavering. He extends His love to the broken, the lost, and the marginalized, offering them hope and a new beginning. No matter what mistakes or failures we may have, He never turns His back on us.

Jesus’ unconditional acceptance is evident in His interactions with people throughout the Gospels. He welcomed tax collectors, sinners, and outcasts, demonstrating His love for all. His message of acceptance resonated with those who were longing for a sense of belonging and purpose.

“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” – Luke 5:31-32

Jesus’ acceptance goes beyond societal norms and expectations. He invites us to come as we are, with all our flaws and imperfections, knowing that He can transform us from the inside out. His love is not based on our performance or achievements but on His grace and mercy.

Following Jesus: A Path of Love and Acceptance

When we choose to follow Jesus, we enter into a relationship marked by acceptance and love. He calls us His own and invites us to experience the depth of His love and the freedom it brings. In His presence, we find acceptance for who we are and the assurance that we are never alone.

Jesus’ acceptance empowers us to love others unconditionally. Just as He embraces us in our brokenness, we are called to extend that same acceptance and love to those around us. Loving others without conditions or judgment is a powerful demonstration of our faith and a reflection of the love we have received from Jesus.

As we strive to live out the teachings of Jesus, let us remember His promise of unconditional acceptance. Let His love be our guiding light in a world that often seeks to divide and exclude. In Jesus, we find the true source of acceptance, love, and belonging.

Key Takeaways

  • Jesus assures His disciples that whoever comes to Him will never be driven away.
  • His acceptance knows no conditions or limitations.
  • Jesus extends His love and compassion to all, embracing the broken, the lost, and the marginalized.
  • Following Jesus means embracing a path of love and acceptance.
  • His unconditional acceptance empowers us to love others unconditionally.

Rewards for Sacrifice

Jesus made a powerful promise to His disciples – those who leave everything behind for Him and the gospel will be rewarded abundantly. He assured them that their sacrifices would not go unnoticed or unrewarded. In fact, Jesus promised that they would receive a hundred times as much in this present age, along with persecutions, and eternal life in the age to come. This remarkable assurance serves as an encouragement and motivation for His followers to remain faithful and dedicated in their pursuit of following Jesus.


For everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.

Matthew 19:29 (NIV)

The rewards promised by Jesus are not limited to material possessions or earthly comforts. They encompass the blessings of eternal life and a close relationship with God, which are of far greater value. It is important to note that while the rewards are abundant, Jesus also acknowledged the reality of persecutions and challenges that His disciples would face in this world. Following Jesus requires sacrifice, but the rewards far outweigh the sacrifices we make.

As believers, we are called to follow Jesus wholeheartedly, knowing that He sees and values our sacrifices. The rewards may not always be immediate or tangible, but we can trust in the faithfulness of Jesus to fulfill His promises. Whether it is giving up possessions, relationships, or personal ambitions, the rewards of eternal life and a deepened intimacy with God make the sacrifices worthwhile.

The Rewards of Sacrifice:

  • Abundant blessings in this present age
  • Eternal life in the age to come
  • An enduring relationship with God
  • Inner peace and fulfillment
  • Spiritual growth and transformation

Jesus’ promise of rewards for sacrifice serves as a reminder that our dedication and commitment to following Him are not in vain. Even in the face of difficulties and challenges, we can find comfort and motivation in the assurance that our sacrifices will be rewarded by the One who sees and knows all. Let us therefore continue to press on, knowing that the eternal rewards far outweigh any temporary hardships we may encounter on our journey of following Jesus.

Revelation of Himself

In one of His promises to His disciples, Jesus emphasized the importance of obedience, love, and the revelation of Himself. He assured them that those who have His commands and keep them will be loved not only by the Father but also by Him. This promise highlights the intimate relationship between obedience, love, and the manifestation of Jesus in their lives.

When believers choose to love and obey Jesus, they open themselves up to a deeper understanding and experience of His presence. Through their obedience, they allow Jesus to reveal Himself more fully, showing His character, attributes, and purposes to them.

This revelation of Jesus is not just a mere intellectual knowledge; it is a personal encounter with the living God. As believers love and obey Jesus, they begin to see Him manifest in their daily lives – in their thoughts, actions, and choices.

The revelation of Jesus brings a profound transformation in the lives of His followers. It strengthens their faith, deepens their relationship with Him, and aligns their will with His. They are empowered to live a life that reflects the love, grace, and truth of Jesus to the world.

Jesus’ promise of revelation reminds believers that obedience and love go hand in hand. It is through their obedience that they demonstrate their love for Him. And as they love and obey Him, Jesus reveals Himself in ever-increasing measure, drawing them closer to Him and empowering them to fulfill His purposes.

Throughout history, countless individuals have experienced the revelation of Jesus in their lives, testifying to the transformative power of obedience and love. The manifestation of Jesus is not limited to a select few but is available to all who seek Him with sincerity and a desire to follow His commands.

Example Quotes:

“The more I obey Jesus and align my life with His teachings, the more I see His character and purposes revealed in and through me.” – John Smith

“By loving and obeying Jesus, I have witnessed remarkable transformation and guidance in my life. His revelation is truly life-changing.” – Jane Johnson

Summary Table:

Key Points Implications
Love and obedience are essential for the revelation of Jesus. Believers must align their hearts, minds, and actions with Jesus’ commands to experience His presence and manifestation in their lives.
The revelation of Jesus brings about transformation. As believers experience the manifestation of Jesus, their lives are shaped and renewed according to His character and purposes.
The revelation of Jesus is available to all believers. Every follower of Jesus can experience His presence and manifestation by choosing to love and obey Him wholeheartedly.

Friendship with God

Jesus not only referred to His disciples as servants but also called them friends, distinguishing the depth of their relationship with Him. Through their connection with Jesus, they were granted the privilege of friendship with God Himself. This promise reveals the extraordinary intimacy and closeness that believers can experience with the Creator through their faith in Jesus.

friendship with God

Jesus highlighted the value of friendship, elevating His disciples from mere servants to trusted companions. In John 15:15, He said, “No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.” Through their friendship with Jesus, the disciples gained insight into God’s business and purposes.

“No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.” – Jesus (John 15:15)

In friendship, there is mutual trust, openness, and a shared understanding of one another. Jesus extended this level of friendship to His disciples, inviting them into a relationship characterized by love, trust, and fellowship. In this intimate bond, they would have the privilege of knowing God’s business and receiving revelation directly from the Father.

This promise of friendship with God is not limited to the disciples of Jesus during His earthly ministry. It extends to all believers who put their faith in Him. Through Jesus, anyone can enter into a dynamic friendship with God, gaining access to His wisdom, guidance, and the depths of His love.

Friendship with God provides believers with a unique and profound connection. It is a relationship based on love, trust, and mutual understanding. In this friendship, believers experience the joy of knowing God intimately and being known by Him. It is a relationship that brings fulfillment, purpose, and a deep sense of belonging.

Joy in God’s Love

In the midst of a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, Jesus offers a promise of abounding joy to those who choose to follow Him. He assures His disciples that true joy can be found by remaining obedient to His commands and dwelling in His love. It is through obedience and love that complete joy is discovered.

Obedience plays a vital role in maintaining a joyful relationship with Jesus. By keeping His commands and aligning our lives with His teachings, we demonstrate our love and devotion to Him. In return, Jesus promises to fill our hearts with the joy that surpasses all understanding.

“If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” – John 15:10-11

These words from Jesus remind us that obedience and abiding in His love are interconnected. When we choose to follow Him wholeheartedly and live according to His will, we experience the profound joy that comes from a deep and intimate relationship with our Savior.

Remaining in God’s love is not merely a passive state, but an active pursuit. It involves seeking His presence, spending time in His Word, and cultivating a continual communion with Him through prayer. As we abide in His love, we open ourselves up to receive the fullness of His joy which surpasses all circumstances.

The Power of Complete Joy

Complete joy is not dependent on external circumstances but is rooted in the unshakable love and faithfulness of Jesus. It is a joy that remains steadfast even in times of trials and difficulties. When we anchor our joy in God’s love, we find strength and resilience to navigate life’s challenges with hope and confidence.

Furthermore, the joy that comes from obedience and remaining in God’s love is not temporary or fleeting. It is a deep and lasting joy that transcends the ups and downs of life. It is a joy that is not diminished by external circumstances but remains constant in the presence of our loving Savior.

As we cultivate obedience and remain in God’s love, we open ourselves up to experience a joy that is complete and unshakeable. This joy permeates every aspect of our lives, bringing inner peace, contentment, and a sense of purpose.

In conclusion, Jesus promises that by keeping His commands and remaining in His love, we can experience His joy in its fullness. Obedience and abiding in His love are the keys to unlocking complete joy that transcends all circumstances. May we strive to walk in obedience to His word and find our ultimate joy in the unending love of our Savior.


Jesus, through His promises to His disciples, provided them with assurance and confidence in their mission. His pledges of His presence, authority, and provision reassured them that they were not alone. Today, believers can find comfort and hope in these promises, knowing that Jesus is with them and will fulfill His word.

By assuring His disciples of His presence, Jesus showed that He would be with them every step of the way, guiding and supporting them. He also promised them His authority, giving them the power to accomplish their mission in His name.

Furthermore, Jesus assured His disciples of His provision, promising to supply everything they needed to fulfill their mission. With these assurances, the disciples were emboldened and empowered to carry out their task, knowing that Jesus was faithful to His promises.


What promises did Jesus make to His disciples?

Jesus made several promises to His disciples before ascending to heaven. These promises include the coming of the Holy Spirit and the assurance of eternal life for believers.

What is the Great Commission?

In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus gave His disciples the Great Commission. He instructed them to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe His commandments. This command from Jesus is a promise that He will be with them always as they carry out this mission.

How did Jesus assure His disciples of His presence?

After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples and assured them of His presence. Despite some of them doubting, Jesus promised that He would be with them always, even to the end of the age. This assurance of His presence would provide them with the confidence and resources they needed to fulfill the mission of God.

What authority and power did Jesus promise His disciples?

Jesus assured His disciples that He had been given all authority in heaven and on earth. This meant that they could carry out their mission under His authority and with His power. Jesus promised to provide everything they needed to accomplish their mission.

How did Jesus promise to empower His disciples?

Jesus promised His disciples that He would ask the Father to send them the Holy Spirit as a Comforter and a guide. The Holy Spirit would not only walk alongside them but also indwell them, empowering them to fulfill their mission and guiding them into all truth.

Does Jesus accept everyone who comes to Him?

Jesus assured His disciples that whoever comes to Him will never be driven away. He accepts all those who choose to follow Him. His invitation extends to everyone, without any conditions or limitations.

Are there rewards for sacrificing everything for Jesus and the gospel?

Jesus promised that those who leave everything for Him and the gospel will receive a hundred times as much in this present age, along with persecutions, and eternal life in the age to come. He assured His disciples that their sacrifices would be rewarded.

How does Jesus reveal Himself to those who love and obey Him?

Jesus promised that those who have His commands and keep them will be loved by the Father and by Him. He assured that He would reveal Himself to those who love and obey Him. This promise highlights the intimate relationship between obedience, love, and the revelation of Jesus.

How does Jesus describe His disciples’ relationship with Him?

Jesus called His disciples friends and differentiated them from servants. He revealed that through their relationship with Him, they would have a friendship with God. This promise shows the depth of the relationship that believers can have with God through Jesus.

How can one experience joy in God’s love?

Jesus promised that those who keep His commands and remain in His love will experience His joy. Obedience and remaining in God’s love are the keys to experiencing complete joy. This promise emphasizes the importance of obedience in maintaining a joyful relationship with Jesus.

What assurances did Jesus give His disciples?

Jesus made numerous promises to His disciples, assuring them of His presence, authority, and provision. Through these promises, He instilled confidence in His disciples and gave them the assurance that they were not alone in their mission. Believers today can also find assurance and hope in these promises, knowing that Jesus is with them and will fulfill His word.

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