What Did Jesus Get for His Birthday?

As people around the world celebrate Christmas, one often wonders what Jesus received on his birthday. The Bible provides insights into this question, offering a glimpse into the historical accounts and biblical context surrounding Jesus’ birth.

Epiphany, celebrated on January 6th, is when many Christians commemorate the visit of the Magi, also known as the Wise Men or the Three Kings, who journeyed to worship Jesus and presented him with gifts. These gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh hold deep symbolism and tell a profound story.

Key Takeaways:

  • Epiphany is a Christian holiday that celebrates the visit of the Magi to Jesus.
  • The Magi brought Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
  • These gifts represent Jesus’ kingship, deity, and foreshadow his sacrificial death.
  • The biblical context gives insight into the historical accounts surrounding Jesus’ birth.

The Magi’s Gifts: Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh

The biblical account describes the Magi bringing Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Each of these gifts carries profound symbolism and significance.

Gold, representing Jesus’ kingship and royalty, signifies his dominion and everlasting rule over all nations. It symbolizes his sovereignty and authority as the King of Kings.

Frankincense, a precious and aromatic resin, symbolizes Jesus’ divinity. It was traditionally used in religious ceremonies to honor and worship God. By bringing this gift, the Magi acknowledged the deity of Jesus.

Myrrh, a fragrant resin commonly used for embalming, foreshadows Jesus’ sacrificial death. It serves as a reminder of the purpose of his coming – to offer salvation and eternal life through his ultimate sacrifice on the cross.

These gifts brought by the Magi not only represent different aspects of Jesus’ identity and mission, but they also invite us to reflect on our own gifts and offerings to Him.

“Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, ‘Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.’ And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.” – Matthew 2:1-2, 11

Gift Meaning
Gold Symbolizes Jesus’ kingship and everlasting rule
Frankincense Represents Jesus’ divinity and the act of worship
Myrrh Foreshadows Jesus’ sacrificial death for salvation

Gold – The Kingship of Jesus

The gift of gold given by the Magi represents Jesus’ kingship, as prophesied in the Bible. It signifies his dominion and everlasting rule over all nations.

In the biblical account of the Magi’s journey to worship Jesus, they presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Each gift carries deep symbolism and significance, providing insights into the nature and purpose of Jesus’ life and ministry.

“And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.” – Matthew 2:11 (ESV)

Gold, a precious metal associated with wealth and royalty, holds a special meaning in the context of Jesus’ birth. The Magi understood the significance of this gift, recognizing Jesus as the true King. In the Old Testament, gold was a symbol of kingship and an attribute of royalty. By presenting Jesus with gold, the Magi acknowledged his rightful place as the ruler not only over Israel but over all nations.

The prophetic scriptures foretold the kingship of Jesus, emphasizing his dominion and authority. For instance, in the book of Psalms, it is written:

“I will tell of the decree: The Lord said to me, ‘You are my Son; today I have begotten you. Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.'” – Psalm 2:7-9 (ESV)

These verses highlight Jesus’ divine appointment as the Son of God and affirm his future kingship over all nations. The gift of gold presented by the Magi aligns with this prophetic declaration, symbolizing Jesus’ authority, power, and eternal reign.

Symbolism of Gold Significance
Kingship Represents Jesus’ dominion and everlasting rule over all nations
Wealth and Royalty Highlights Jesus’ position as the true King and ruler
Divine Appointment Aligns with the prophetic scriptures foretelling Jesus’ kingship and authority

Frankincense – The Deity of Jesus

The gift of frankincense symbolizes Jesus’ deity. In the Old Testament, frankincense was burned as an offering to God, and by bringing this gift, the Magi affirmed Jesus’ divinity.

In biblical times, frankincense was highly valued for its fragrant aroma and was often used in religious ceremonies. It was considered a symbol of holiness and purity, making it a fitting gift for Jesus, who is believed to be the Son of God.

“And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” – Matthew 2:11

By offering frankincense to Jesus, the Magi acknowledged His divine nature. It was an act of worship and reverence, honoring Him as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

Myrrh – The Death of Jesus

The gift of myrrh given by the Magi holds profound symbolism. Myrrh, a fragrant resin commonly used to embalm bodies, foreshadows the death of Jesus. It serves as a reminder of the sacrificial purpose behind Jesus’ coming to Earth and his ultimate gift of salvation to humanity.

Myrrh was a valuable substance with strong associations to death and burial practices in biblical times. It played a significant role in preparing and preserving the deceased for their final resting place. By presenting myrrh to Jesus, the Magi acknowledge the significance of His sacrifice and the redemptive mission He would fulfill.

The use of myrrh as a gift also underscores the humanity of Jesus. Just as myrrh was used to anoint the bodies of the deceased, it symbolizes Jesus’ mortality and his willingness to embrace the suffering and physical death that awaited Him.

“And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.” – Matthew 2:11

By including myrrh among the gifts, the Magi honor the sacrificial mission Jesus would fulfill through His death on the cross. Their offering acknowledges the profound impact His sacrifice would have on humanity and the opportunity for eternal life that His death and resurrection would bring.


Symbolism of Myrrh

Myrrh carries deep symbolism within the biblical context:

  • Death and Burial: Myrrh was traditionally used in burial practices, symbolizing the anticipation of Jesus’ death and burial.
  • Sacrifice: Myrrh represents Jesus’ sacrificial mission, foreshadowing His ultimate sacrifice on the cross for the redemption of humanity.
  • Perfume: Myrrh’s fragrance symbolizes the spiritual and healing power of Jesus’ sacrifice, spreading salvation to all who believe in Him.

The presence of myrrh among the gifts from the Magi serves as a poignant reminder of the purpose and significance behind Jesus’ incarnation and His ultimate journey towards death and resurrection.

Giving Gifts to Jesus Today

Inspired by the Magi’s gifts, we have the opportunity to reflect on what meaningful gifts we can give to Jesus in our lives today. Just as the Magi presented Him with gold, frankincense, and myrrh, we can offer gifts of worship, sacrifice, and surrender.


One way to honor and express our love for Jesus is through the gift of worship. Worship is not limited to singing songs or attending church services; it encompasses our whole being. It involves acknowledging Jesus as the King of our lives, praising Him, and living in alignment with His teachings. By presenting our hearts and lives as an offering of worship, we demonstrate our devotion and reverence for Him.


Another meaningful gift we can give to Jesus is the gift of sacrifice. Sacrifice involves giving up something valuable or important to us as an act of surrender and devotion. It requires us to let go of our own desires, ambitions, and comforts, and instead prioritize His will above our own. Whether it’s sacrificing our time, resources, or even our own desires, giving sacrificially shows our commitment to Jesus and His Kingdom.


Surrendering specific areas of our lives to Jesus is another way we can present Him with a precious gift. It requires a willingness to let go of control and trust in His guidance. By surrendering our desires, fears, and plans to Him, we invite Him to work in and through us. Surrendering to Jesus is a continuous process of aligning our hearts and minds with His purposes and allowing Him to lead us.

As we give these gifts to Jesus in our daily lives, we open ourselves up to a deeper relationship with Him. It is through these acts of worship, sacrifice, and surrender that we draw closer to His heart and experience the abundant life He has promised.

To illustrate this further, take a look at the following table showcasing the gifts we can give to Jesus today:

Gift Description
Worship Dedicating our lives to honor Jesus, recognizing His lordship, and living with an attitude of worship.
Sacrifice Offering up our desires, ambitions, and comforts, prioritizing His will above our own.
Surrender Letting go of control and trusting in His guidance, surrendering our plans, fears, and desires.

By giving these gifts to Jesus today, we not only demonstrate our love and devotion, but we also experience the transformative power of His presence in our lives. Let us be inspired by the Magi’s example and continue to give our best to the King of Kings.

My Gift of Sacrifice

As believers, giving Jesus the gift of sacrifice is a profound expression of our devotion and commitment to Him. It involves surrendering a specific struggle, habit, or area of control in our lives, acknowledging that His lordship is paramount.

When we surrender to Jesus, we let go of self-reliance and trust in His wisdom and guidance. We recognize that our desires and plans may not always align with His perfect will. In surrendering, we lay down our pride and humbly acknowledge that He knows what is best for us.

Sacrifice requires discipline and perseverance. It may mean letting go of unhealthy relationships, overcoming addictions, or relinquishing control over our finances. Surrendering these aspects of our lives to Jesus allows Him to transform us from within, setting us on a path of spiritual growth and freedom.

Moreover, Jesus himself modeled sacrifice through His life, death, and resurrection. He willingly laid down His life for the redemption of humanity, displaying the ultimate act of selflessness. When we offer our sacrifices to Him, we participate in His redemptive work and experience His transformative power.

Just as the Magi presented their precious gifts to Jesus, we can present the gift of sacrifice to Him today. It is an act of worship that reflects our love and devotion to the Savior who gave everything for us. As we surrender our struggles and desires to Him, we open ourselves to His transformative grace and find true fulfillment in His presence.

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” – Galatians 2:20

gift of sacrifice

Sacrifice Definition Examples
Letting go of pride Putting aside self-centeredness and embracing humility. Admitting when we are wrong and seeking reconciliation.
Forgiving others Releasing resentment and choosing to extend love and grace. Choosing to forgive someone who has deeply hurt us.
Surrendering control Yielding our plans and desires to God’s perfect will. Trusting God’s guidance in a career change or relocation.
Financial generosity Sharing our resources with others in need. Donating to a charitable organization.

By giving Jesus the gift of sacrifice, we align ourselves with His purposes and experience the freedom and joy that come from living in obedience to Him. Let us choose to surrender, allowing His transformative love to work in us and through us.

My Gift of Worship

Offering Jesus the gift of worship goes beyond singing songs. It involves dedicating every aspect of our lives to Him, recognizing His lordship, and living with an attitude of worship.

Worshiping Jesus is not confined to a specific time or place; it is a lifestyle that honors Him in all we do. It is an expression of our love and gratitude for who He is and what He has done for us. By offering Him the gift of worship, we acknowledge His supreme authority and invite His presence into our lives.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” – Psalm 150:6

Worship is not limited to traditional forms such as singing or praying. It can be manifested through acts of service, kindness, and generosity. When we live with an attitude of worship, every word and action becomes an offering of love and devotion to Jesus.

Just as the Magi presented their gifts to honor Jesus, we can present our lives as a gift of worship to Him. It is a continual surrender of our desires, dreams, and ambitions, aligning them with His perfect will. In worship, we find joy, strength, and purpose.

Let us examine our hearts and ask ourselves: how can we worship Jesus in our daily lives? How can we offer Him the gift of our time, talents, and treasures? When we make worship a priority, we invite His presence to transform and empower us.

Living a Life of Worship

A life of worship is not about perfection but about authenticity. It is about seeking God’s presence and surrendering ourselves to Him. In worship, we find solace, encouragement, and renewal.

Here are some practical ways to offer the gift of worship to Jesus:

  1. Prayer: Spend time in prayer, communing with God, and pouring out your heart to Him.
  2. Bible Study: Immerse yourself in God’s word, meditating on His promises and seeking His wisdom.
  3. Acts of Service: Serve others with love and compassion, reflecting the character of Christ.
  4. Generosity: Share your resources with those in need, demonstrating God’s love through your actions.
  5. Gratitude: Cultivate a heart of gratitude, acknowledging God’s blessings and giving thanks in all circumstances.

Remember, worship is not limited to a specific location. It can be practiced in the solitude of your room, in the beauty of nature, or in the fellowship of believers. Wherever you are, let your heart be filled with awe and reverence for the One who deserves all honor and praise.

A Visual Representation of Worship

Elements of Worship Description
Singing Express praise and adoration through joyful songs.
Prayer Communicate with God, sharing your thoughts, needs, and desires.
Reading Scripture Engage with God’s word, finding guidance and inspiration for your life.
Acts of Service Extend kindness and compassion to others, reflecting God’s love.
Communion Partake in the sacrament, remembering Jesus’ sacrifice.

My Gift to the King

Just as the Magi presented their gifts to Jesus, we too have the opportunity to give Jesus a priceless gift – the acknowledgment of His kingship in our lives. This means making Him the ultimate priority and submitting to His divine reign over every aspect of our existence. By aligning our lives with His will, we can demonstrate our devotion and commitment to the King.

Gifts are not merely physical objects; they can also represent the intentional choices we make in how we live our lives. Surrendering our desires, ambitions, and plans to Jesus, we embrace His lordship and allow Him to guide our path. It is through this surrender that we find true freedom and purpose.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

– Matthew 6:21

Acknowledging Jesus as the King of our lives requires an ongoing commitment to align our thoughts, words, and actions with His teachings. It means seeking His wisdom and guidance in decision-making, seeking His forgiveness when we fall short, and extending His love and grace to others.

By making Jesus the focal point of our lives, we can experience His transformative power and find fulfillment in living according to His purposes. With Him as our King, we discover abundant life, peace, and everlasting joy.

making Jesus king of our lives

Surrendering to the Kingship of Jesus

Actions of Surrender Benefits and Rewards
Sacrifice Experiencing the fulfillment found in selflessness
Submission Finding guidance and peace in God’s sovereignty
Alignment Discovering purpose and significance in living according to God’s will
Devotion Encountering the transforming power of God’s love and grace

Through our gift of surrender, we partake in the divine partnership that Jesus invites us into. He desires to reign over our lives and work in and through us to bring about His kingdom on earth. As we give Him the gift of acknowledging His kingship, we become vessels for His love, mercy, and grace to touch the lives of those around us.

In offering our lives as a gift to the King, we find ourselves in the midst of a glorious journey of faith and transformation. It is through this surrender that we experience the fullness of life that Jesus promises, becoming living testimonies of His boundless love and reign.


The gifts brought by the Magi to Jesus on his birthday carry deep symbolism and significance. Each gift, be it gold, frankincense, or myrrh, represents an aspect of Jesus’ identity and mission. Gold symbolizes his kingship, signifying his dominion and everlasting rule over all nations. Frankincense represents his deity, affirming his divinity and the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. Myrrh, associated with embalming, foreshadows Jesus’ sacrificial death and the ultimate gift of salvation he offers.

These gifts invite us to worship Jesus and surrender our lives to him. Just as the Magi honored Jesus with their gifts, we can consider what gifts we can give to Jesus in our lives today. This can involve the gift of sacrifice, surrendering a specific struggle or area of control to him. It can also mean offering him the gift of worship, dedicating every aspect of our lives to him with an attitude of reverence and adoration.

As we celebrate Jesus’ birth, let us remember the profound symbolism behind the Magi’s gifts and reflect on how we can live out these principles in our own lives. By acknowledging Jesus’ kingship, deity, and sacrificial death, we can find true fulfillment and purpose. Let us offer Jesus the gift of our wholehearted worship and our surrender, making him the King of our lives and aligning our will with his. In doing so, we embrace the true spirit of Christmas and find abundant joy and peace in our relationship with Jesus.


What is the significance of the Magi’s gifts?

The gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh brought by the Magi represent Jesus’ kingship, deity, and foreshadow his death.

Why did the Magi bring gold?

The gift of gold symbolizes Jesus’ kingship as prophesied in the Bible, representing his dominion and everlasting rule over all nations.

What does the gift of frankincense symbolize?

Frankincense represents Jesus’ deity. In the Old Testament, it was burned as an offering to God, affirming Jesus’ divinity.

Why did the Magi bring myrrh?

Myrrh, often used for embalming bodies, foreshadows Jesus’ death and reminds us of the sacrificial purpose of his coming.

What gifts can we give to Jesus today?

We can give Jesus the gifts of sacrifice, worship, and acknowledging him as the King of our lives.

What does giving Jesus the gift of sacrifice mean?

Giving Jesus the gift of sacrifice involves surrendering specific struggles, habits, or areas of control in our lives as an act of devotion and commitment to Him.

How can we give Jesus the gift of worship?

Offering Jesus the gift of worship goes beyond singing songs. It involves dedicating every aspect of our lives to Him, recognizing His lordship, and living with an attitude of worship.

What does it mean to give Jesus the gift of acknowledging Him as the King of our lives?

Giving Jesus the gift of acknowledging Him as the King of our lives means making Him the priority, submitting to His reign, and aligning our lives with His will.

What do the Magi’s gifts teach us?

The gifts brought by the Magi to Jesus on his birthday carry deep symbolism and significance, representing Jesus’ kingship, deity, and sacrificial death. They invite us to worship Him and surrender our lives to Him.

What can we learn from Jesus’ birthday gifts?

As we celebrate His birth, let us consider the gifts we can give to Jesus in our lives today, such as worship, sacrifice, and acknowledging Him as the King of our lives.

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