7 Prayers for Making Disciples

In this article, we have compiled a collection of heartfelt prayers for making disciples. These prayers acknowledge the importance and responsibility of spreading the teachings and love of Christ to others.

Prayer is a powerful tool that can strengthen and guide us in our journey of discipleship. Each prayer expresses a unique plea for God’s wisdom, courage, and guidance in the process of making disciples.

Making Disciples prayer

As you read and engage with these prayers, may they inspire and encourage you to pray earnestly for God’s help in fulfilling the Great Commission and making disciples of all nations.

7 Prayers for Making Disciples

Prayer #1

Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you with a passionate desire to fulfill the Great Commission and make disciples. Grant me the wisdom to know when and how to share your gospel effectively. Remove any fear or doubt that hinders me from boldly proclaiming the truth.

Lord, give me a heart that is sensitive to the needs of those around me. Open my eyes to recognize the seeking souls who long for a relationship with you. Help me to listen attentively, to understand their struggles, and to offer them the hope found in your word.

I pray for the patience to walk alongside new believers, nurturing and guiding them in their spiritual journey. Give me the right words to speak, words that will inspire and encourage growth in their faith. Father, empower me by your Holy Spirit to be a living example of your love and grace.

May my life reflect the transformative power of your truth, drawing others closer to you. Thank you, Lord, for the privilege and responsibility of making disciples. I surrender myself to your divine guidance and trust that you will accomplish your purposes through me. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Prayer #2

Heavenly Father, I humbly kneel before you, acknowledging that I am called to be a disciple-maker. Fill my heart with a deep sense of compassion for those who have not yet experienced the joy of knowing you. Grant me the courage to step out in faith and share the good news without reservation.

Lord, I ask for divine appointments, divine connections with individuals whose hearts are ready to receive your message. Lead me to those who are searching for truth and longing for a meaningful relationship with you. Give me the ability to communicate your word in a way that resonates with their souls.

Father, I pray for the strength to persevere in the face of challenges and discouragement. Help me to rely fully on your grace and to trust in your timing. Teach me to be patient as I sow seeds of faith, understanding that it is you who brings about the growth.

May my life be a living testimony to the transformation that occurs when one follows you wholeheartedly. Use me, Lord, as an instrument of your love and mercy to bring others into your kingdom. I commit myself to this noble task, knowing that with you, all things are possible. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer #3

O Gracious Lord, my heart overflows with gratitude for the gift of salvation that you have bestowed upon me. Help me to never take for granted the incredible privilege of being called your child.

I lift up before you those who have not yet experienced the life-changing power of your gospel. Father, I pray that you would remove the blinders from their eyes and soften their hearts to receive your truth. Break down the barriers of doubt and skepticism, replacing them with a hunger for your word.

Give me the words of wisdom and discernment to effectively communicate the message of your grace. Help me to address their deepest needs and concerns, pointing them to the hope that can only be found in you.

Lord, I ask for divine opportunities to engage in meaningful conversations that will lead others to a personal relationship with you. Guide me by your Spirit, that I may be sensitive to the prompting to pray for specific individuals and to intercede on their behalf.

Father, I commit myself to the task of making disciples, trusting in your power to work through me. May your name be glorified as lives are transformed by your love. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Prayer #4

Dear Father, I approach your throne of grace with a burdened heart for those who have not yet experienced the life-transforming power of your gospel. Give me a deep sense of urgency to share the truth and to make disciples.

Lord, I pray for divine encounters with individuals who are searching for meaning and purpose. Open doors of opportunity for me to share your love and redemption. Grant me the courage to step out of my comfort zone and to engage in intentional conversations that point others to you.

Father, I ask for the gift of discernment, that I may recognize the unique needs of those I encounter. Help me to listen attentively and to offer words of encouragement and hope. Give me the wisdom to address their doubts and objections, always relying on the authority of your word.

I surrender my own strength and abilities to you, Lord, and I rely fully on the empowering presence of your Spirit. Fill me with boldness and confidence as I proclaim your truth, knowing that it is the power of salvation for all who believe. Use me, Father, as a vessel for your glory in the task of making disciples. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer #5

Heavenly Father, I stand in awe of your unfailing love and unending grace. Thank you for calling me to be a disciple and for entrusting me with the responsibility of making disciples. Lord, I pray for a burdened heart, a heart that beats in rhythm with yours, for those who are lost and wandering.

Ignite within me a passion for souls, a deep desire to see others come to know you. Help me to view every interaction as an opportunity to demonstrate your love and share the hope that is found in you alone.

Grant me the patience and perseverance to walk alongside new believers, nurturing them in their faith. Give me the words to speak, the wisdom to guide, and the humility to learn from them as well.

Lord, I ask for divine wisdom in discerning the needs of those I encounter. Help me to meet them where they are and to provide the support and encouragement they need to grow in their relationship with you.

May my life reflect the beauty of your gospel, drawing others into a deeper understanding of your grace. Use me, Lord, as a willing servant in the task of making disciples. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Prayer #6

O Lord, my Rock and Redeemer, I bow before you, acknowledging your sovereignty and your heart for all people to come to the knowledge of your truth. I pray for the strength and courage to be a faithful disciple-maker, even in the midst of challenges and opposition.

Give me the boldness to speak your word with conviction and clarity, never compromising the truth for the sake of acceptance. Help me to communicate the message of salvation in a way that is relevant and relatable to those I encounter.

Father, I ask for divine wisdom in identifying potential disciples, those who are ready to embark on a journey of faith. Open their hearts to receive your truth and to surrender their lives to you. Give me the patience and gentleness to walk alongside them, offering guidance and support.

Lord, I recognize that it is not by my own might or power, but by your Spirit that lives are transformed. I yield myself to your leading, trusting that you will equip me for every task and provide the words I need to speak. Use me, Lord, as a vessel for your glory in the great work of making disciples. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer #7

Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you with a burdened heart for the souls of those who have yet to know you. I pray that you would stir within me a passion for making disciples, a passion that compels me to action.

Lord, I ask for divine connections with individuals who are searching for truth and purpose. Lead me to those who are lost and in need of your saving grace. Give me the ability to build genuine relationships based on love, trust, and respect.

Grant me the words of wisdom and understanding to effectively communicate your gospel. Help me to address the doubts and questions that may arise, pointing others to the unchanging truth of your word.

Father, I pray for the courage to step out in faith, even when faced with opposition or rejection. Remind me that it is your power and strength that prevail, not my own. Empower me by your Spirit to be a witness of your love, both in word and deed.

Lord, I commit myself wholeheartedly to the task of making disciples, knowing that it is a calling of eternal significance. May your name be glorified as lives are transformed by your grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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