What Is the Cost of Following Jesus?

Following Jesus comes with a cost, as Jesus himself warns his disciples to count the cost before committing to follow him. In Luke 14:28-33, Jesus uses the analogies of building a tower and going to war to emphasize the importance of understanding the full commitment that discipleship requires. He emphasizes that following him means being willing to give up everything, including relationships and possessions, and even being prepared to face persecution and death. Jesus calls for complete trust and surrender to him, with no negotiating or calculating the cost. However, he also promises that the rewards of following him far outweigh any sacrifices made in this life.

Key Takeaways:

  • The cost of following Jesus entails being willing to give up everything and face challenges such as persecution and even death.
  • Discipleship requires complete trust and surrender to Jesus, without calculating or negotiating the cost.
  • The rewards of following Jesus are far greater than any sacrifices made in this life.
  • Understanding the cost of discipleship is essential for making an informed decision to follow Jesus.
  • Counting the cost involves being prepared to renounce all possessions and prioritize one’s relationship with Jesus.

Discerning the Cost of Discipleship

In response to a listener’s question about discerning the cost of discipleship in one’s individual calling, pastor John answers that Jesus requires an upfront commitment to the highest possible cost. In Luke 14:26-27, Jesus uses extreme language to illustrate the level of commitment required – that true discipleship may even involve hating one’s own family and being willing to bear one’s own cross, a symbol of martyrdom. The key is to have a mindset of being willing to pay any cost, without knowing the specific details of what that cost will be. Jesus asks for a total commitment, with no bargaining or conditions placed.

What It Means to Renounce All

In order to be a disciple of Jesus, one must be willing to renounce all possessions. This does not necessarily mean physically giving up everything, but rather having the attitude of letting go of all material possessions and refusing to allow them to control one’s life. Jesus makes this clear in Luke 14:33, when he says, “So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.”

Renouncing all possessions is about recognizing that everything we have is ultimately given to us by God, and being willing to let go of these things if necessary. It is a mindset of detachment from worldly wealth and possessions, not allowing them to have a hold on our hearts and souls. True discipleship requires a complete surrender to Jesus, with no divided loyalties or attachments to material wealth.

“For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?” – Mark 8:36

Renouncing Possessions in Practice

Renouncing all possessions is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process of surrendering everything to Jesus. It involves daily examination of our hearts and a willingness to let go of anything that hinders our relationship with Him. This may include giving generously to those in need, using our resources for the kingdom of God, and resisting the temptation to find security and satisfaction in material wealth.

renouncing possessions

In the early church, this radical renunciation of possessions was demonstrated by the believers in the book of Acts, who willingly sold their belongings and shared everything in common. While this level of communal living may not be practical or necessary for all disciples today, the spirit of renouncing possessions remains. It is about recognizing that our identity and security are found in Jesus, not in the acquisition of worldly goods.

The Rewards of Renouncing All

Renouncing all possessions may seem difficult or counterintuitive, but Jesus promises that those who do so will receive abundant blessings in this life and in the life to come. He assures His disciples that the rewards of following Him far outweigh any sacrifices made. By letting go of earthly attachments, we can experience a deeper intimacy with Jesus, freedom from the grip of materialism, and a sense of purpose and fulfillment that surpasses material wealth.

Rewards of Renouncing All Scripture References
Intimacy with Jesus Matthew 6:33
Freedom from materialism Matthew 6:24
Divine provision Matthew 6:25-34
Riches in heaven Matthew 6:19-21

Renouncing all possessions is a radical act of discipleship that requires a complete trust in God’s provision and a willingness to hold all things loosely. It is a daily surrender of our time, talents, and treasures to Jesus, recognizing that everything we have ultimately belongs to Him. As we renounce all possessions for the sake of following Jesus, we discover the true richness and abundance that comes from a life devoted to Him.

Stepping Beyond Human Wisdom

The cost of following Jesus transcends human wisdom and common sense. In 1 Corinthians 2:1-16, the apostle Paul highlights the distinction between the wisdom of God and the wisdom of the world. While worldly wisdom may appear convincing, it pales in comparison to the secret and hidden wisdom of God.

True discipleship necessitates placing reliance on God’s power rather than human wisdom or the wisdom of man. Spiritual discernment is essential for comprehending the freely given things of God and understanding His thoughts. Following Jesus demands venturing beyond the confines of human wisdom and wholeheartedly trusting in the wisdom of God.

Wisdom of Man Following Jesus Spiritual Discernment
Based on human reasoning and knowledge Rooted in faith and divine guidance Perceiving and comprehending God’s will
Limited and fallible Unlimited and infallible Transforming and illuminating
Relies on self-sufficiency Relies on surrendering to God’s sovereignty Relies on the Holy Spirit’s revelation

“For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.” – 1 Corinthians 1:25

In order to follow Jesus wholeheartedly, we must embrace His wisdom, which surpasses human understanding. It is through spiritual discernment that we can apprehend the ways of God and navigate the path of discipleship with clarity and conviction.

spiritual discernment

Image representing the importance of spiritual discernment in following Jesus.

Overcoming a Blended Faith

Many people struggle with a blended faith, attempting to combine their belief in Jesus with other ideologies or desires. A common example of this is the intersection of Christianity and politics, where individuals try to merge their faith with political objectives. However, true discipleship necessitates moving beyond a blended faith and making the decision to follow Jesus exclusively. This entails acknowledging and relinquishing any idols or attachments that compete with one’s devotion to Jesus, whether they manifest as a love for money, pleasure, or worldly success. To truly follow Jesus means prioritizing His kingdom above all else, instead of seeking personal desires or worldly accomplishments.

blended faith

Understanding Our True Identity in Christ

Understanding our true identity in Christ is crucial for discipleship. It requires recognizing our true self, which includes acknowledging our sinfulness and need for forgiveness. In accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we surrender our old self and take on his identity. We become new creations in Christ and are empowered by the Holy Spirit to live a life that honors and reflects Jesus. Our true self is found in our relationship with Christ, not in worldly pursuits or the approval of others. This understanding of our identity enables us to fully commit to following Jesus and surrendering our lives to him.

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. – 1 Peter 2:9

When we surrender ourselves to Jesus, we become part of the family of God, chosen and set apart for a purpose. Our identity shifts from being defined by our past mistakes and worldly achievements to being defined by our relationship with Christ. We are no longer slaves to sin, but rather children of God, called to proclaim the excellencies of our Savior.

A New Creation in Christ

Through surrendering to Jesus, we experience a transformation. The apostle Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” This new identity in Christ replaces our former self, marked by sin and brokenness, with a renewed and restored self.

As new creations in Christ, our true self is marked by the characteristics of Jesus – love, grace, mercy, and holiness. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to live in alignment with our new identity, growing in maturity and reflecting the image of Christ to the world.

A Surrendered Life

Surrendering to Jesus means giving up control and allowing him to lead our lives. It involves submitting our desires, ambitions, and plans to the lordship of Christ. In Luke 9:23, Jesus says, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” This daily surrender requires a willingness to let go of our own will and follow God’s will.

When we surrender our lives to Jesus, we are no longer driven by worldly pursuits or the approval of others. Our worth and identity are anchored in Christ alone. We find fulfillment, purpose, and true freedom in following Jesus and living according to his teachings.

Contrasting the Worldly Identity vs. Identity in Christ

Worldly Identity Identity in Christ
Defined by external achievements and possessions Defined by the relationship with Jesus
Seeking approval and validation from others Grounded in the unconditional love and acceptance of God
Pursuing temporary satisfaction and pleasure Finding lasting joy and fulfillment in Christ
Driven by selfish ambitions and desires Guided by the will of God and a desire to serve others

When we embrace our true identity in Christ and surrender our lives to him, we experience a profound transformation. Our new identity shapes our thoughts, actions, and purpose, leading us to live a life that reflects the character of Christ. Let us continually surrender to Jesus, finding true fulfillment and purpose in our journey of discipleship.

The Advantage of Counting the Cost Daily

Counting the cost of discipleship daily offers a significant advantage to those who choose to follow Jesus. By consistently evaluating one’s priorities and letting go of anything that hinders the relationship with Him, individuals can deepen their trust in Jesus and experience remarkable growth in their faith.

Fear of death often hampers the journey of discipleship, as individuals cling to earthly comforts and security. However, true disciples find solace in the assurance of eternal life through Jesus. Letting go of these fears and placing complete trust in Jesus allows believers to live with boldness and courage, unencumbered by the dread of death.

Jesus encourages His followers to count the cost daily, acknowledging that the commitment of discipleship is ongoing and requires constant evaluation and surrender. In Luke 9:23, He says, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”

Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” – John 12:24

By counting the cost daily, believers ensure that their devotion to Jesus remains steadfast and unwavering. It becomes a continuous exercise of self-denial, surrendering personal desires and ambitions to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. This deliberate practice reinforces trust in Jesus, deepens the spiritual connection, and aligns one’s life with His teachings and example.

The commitment to counting the cost daily brings freedom from the trivial distractions of the world and cultivates an unwavering focus on eternal values. It enables believers to persevere through trials and challenges, fully trusting in Jesus’ guidance and provision even in the face of uncertainty.

The Advantage of Counting the Cost Daily Benefits
1. Renewed Commitment Continually reevaluate and strengthen the commitment to follow Jesus.
2. Deepened Trust Experience growth in faith by placing complete trust in Jesus.
3. Overcoming Fear of Death Live with boldness and courage, unburdened by the fear of death.
4. Steadfast Devotion Align one’s life with Jesus’ teachings and example through continuous self-denial and surrender.
5. Unwavering Focus Develop a resolute focus on eternal values, free from worldly distractions.

Counting the cost daily is an intentional and transformative practice that allows believers to fully embrace the abundant life offered through discipleship. It ensures a steadfast commitment to Jesus, deepens trust, and empowers individuals to overcome fear and live with purpose and courage.

Reflection Questions for Deepening Your Faith

As you contemplate the cost of following Jesus, it’s crucial to take time for self-reflection and examine your faith. Asking probing questions can provide valuable insights into your level of commitment, the idols or comforts that may hinder your spiritual growth, and where your ultimate hope lies. Consider these reflection questions as you navigate your discipleship journey:

  1. Have you truly counted the cost? Reflect on the sacrifices you have made, or are willing to make, for the sake of following Jesus. Are you wholeheartedly committed, even in the face of challenges and persecution?
  2. What comforts or idols may be holding you back? Take an honest inventory of the things or desires that compete with your devotion to Jesus. It could be material possessions, personal ambitions, or relationships. Are you willing to surrender them to fully follow Him?
  3. Where does your future hope lie? Examine whether your trust and hope are firmly grounded in Christ or if you are seeking security and fulfillment in worldly achievements or circumstances. Reflect on the eternal perspective and assurance of hope that Jesus offers.
  4. How is your church or religious peer group influencing your walk with Christ? Consider how the community you surround yourself with aligns with your discipleship goals. Are they encouraging spiritual growth and accountability, or are they negatively influencing your commitment to Jesus?
  5. Are there any worldly habits or motivations that remain unchallenged? Evaluate whether there are areas of your life where you have compromised your faith or where worldly habits have taken precedence over spiritual disciplines. Seek to align your choices and priorities with Jesus’ teachings.

Ultimately, surrendering to Jesus and seeking His guidance through prayer is paramount for deepening your discipleship and aligning your life with His will. By reflecting on these questions with an open heart, you can gain clarity, discover areas of growth, and embark on a journey of wholehearted commitment to following Jesus.

Seeking God’s Will Through Prayer

Prayer is a powerful tool for surrendering to Jesus and seeking His guidance. Through intimate conversations with God, you can find wisdom, clarity, and strength to navigate the cost of discipleship. Set aside regular time for prayer, allowing yourself to pour out your heart to God and listen for His voice. Seek His will in all aspects of your life, surrendering your desires and aligning yourself with His plans. Trust that through prayer, you can deepen your relationship with Jesus and experience His transformative work in your discipleship journey.


The cost of discipleship is not to be taken lightly. It demands a complete surrender and willingness to let go of everything. Followers of Jesus must go beyond relying on common sense and human wisdom, instead trusting in the wisdom and discernment of God. This requires renouncing all possessions and overcoming any blended faith that dilutes our devotion to Jesus.

Understanding our true identity in Christ is crucial for deepening our commitment to discipleship. It means acknowledging our sinfulness and need for forgiveness, surrendering our old selves, and taking on the identity of Jesus. Our true self is found in our relationship with Christ, not in worldly pursuits or the approval of others.

To strengthen our discipleship, we need to count the cost daily. By regularly evaluating our priorities and letting go of anything that hinders our relationship with Jesus, we can experience growth in our faith. Reflecting on the cost of discipleship and asking probing questions can also help us evaluate and strengthen our commitment to following Jesus.

Ultimately, true discipleship requires surrendering to Jesus and trusting him as the Lord of our lives. It is a lifelong journey of complete devotion and trust. The rewards of discipleship far outweigh any sacrifices made in this life, and the joy of surrendering to Jesus is immeasurable.


What is the cost of following Jesus?

The cost of following Jesus involves complete surrender and a willingness to let go of everything. It requires renouncing all possessions and overcoming any blended faith that dilutes our devotion to Jesus.

How can I discern the cost of discipleship in my individual calling?

Discerning the cost of discipleship involves counting the cost and having a mindset of being willing to pay any cost, without knowing the specific details. Jesus requires an upfront commitment to the highest possible cost and asks for a total commitment, with no bargaining or conditions placed.

What does it mean to renounce all?

To renounce all means having the attitude of letting go of everything and not allowing material possessions to control one’s life. It is about realizing that everything we have is ultimately given to us by God and being willing to let go of these things if necessary.

How do I step beyond human wisdom in following Jesus?

Following Jesus requires going beyond the wisdom of man and trusting in the wisdom of God. It involves relying on the power of God and spiritual discernment to truly understand the things freely given by God and to discern the thoughts of God.

How can I overcome a blended faith?

Overcoming a blended faith requires choosing to follow Jesus alone and recognizing and renouncing any idols or attachments that compete with one’s devotion to Him. It means seeking His kingdom first and foremost, rather than seeking to satisfy our own desires or pursue worldly goals.

How does understanding our true identity in Christ affect our discipleship?

Understanding our true identity in Christ means acknowledging our sinfulness and need for forgiveness. It involves surrendering our old self and taking on His identity. Our true self is found in our relationship with Christ, not in worldly pursuits or the approval of others.

What is the advantage of counting the cost of discipleship daily?

Counting the cost of discipleship daily allows us to continually renew our commitment to follow Jesus. It helps us deepen our trust in Him and experience growth in our faith. It also enables us to overcome the fear of death and live with boldness and courage.

What questions should I reflect on in relation to the cost of following Jesus?

Reflecting on the cost of following Jesus involves asking probing questions such as whether we have truly counted the cost, what comforts or idols may be holding us back, and where our future hope lies. It also involves examining our faith and surrendering to Jesus, seeking His guidance through prayer.

What is the importance of surrendering to Jesus?

Surrendering to Jesus is essential for deepening our discipleship and aligning our lives with His will. It involves recognizing Him as Lord of our lives and trusting Him completely. True discipleship requires surrendering to Jesus and trusting Him as the source of our identity and purpose.

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