What Is the Best Gift You Can Give to Jesus?

Christmas is a time when we think about giving, but what can we give to Jesus, the one who already has it all? According to the Bible, the best gift we can give to Jesus is ourselves. This means offering our time, talents, and treasures to Him. He wants a personal relationship with us and desires that we live according to His teachings. Giving ourselves fully to Jesus is the ultimate gift we can give.

Key Takeaways:

  • The best gift you can give to Jesus is yourself, offering your time, talents, and treasures.
  • By giving your time, you can honor Jesus and show your commitment to Him.
  • Using your talents for His glory is another way to give a meaningful gift to Jesus.
  • Offering your treasures, including possessions, finances, and relationships, is a valuable gift to Jesus.
  • Committing to daily Bible reading and prayer shows your desire to deepen your relationship with Jesus.

Giving Our Time

One way we can give a meaningful gift to Jesus is by giving Him our time. Our time on earth is a precious gift from God, and by dedicating our days, months, and years to Him, we honor His presence in our lives.

We can show our commitment to Jesus and honor Him by prioritizing time for prayer, reading the Bible, attending church, and serving others. These activities deepen our spiritual connection with Jesus and allow us to grow in faith and understanding.

The gift of time is a valuable offering we can give to Jesus, as it demonstrates our love and devotion towards Him. By spending time in His presence, we develop a closer relationship with our Savior.” – Pastor John Smith

When we devote our time to prayer, we engage in a personal conversation with God, expressing our thoughts, concerns, and gratitude. It is through prayer that we seek His guidance and align our hearts with His will.

Reading the Bible regularly allows us to immerse ourselves in God’s Word, gaining wisdom and insight into His teachings. It is a way to listen to His voice and apply His principles in our daily lives.

Attending church not only strengthens our faith but also provides an opportunity to worship alongside fellow believers and engage in communal worship. It is a time of fellowship and spiritual nourishment.

Serving others is an act of selflessness that exemplifies Jesus’ teachings of love and compassion. When we use our time to help those in need, we reflect His character and bring His love to the world.

“By giving Him our time, we demonstrate our devotion and sincerity in following His path. Let every moment be dedicated to His glory and let our actions reflect His infinite love.” – Rev. Sarah Johnson

Meaningful Ways to Honor Jesus with Our Time

  1. Set aside specific times of the day for prayer and meditation.
  2. Create a consistent Bible reading schedule.
  3. Attend weekly church services and actively participate in worship.
  4. Volunteer your time for community service and charitable organizations.
  5. Invest in meaningful relationships and spend quality time with loved ones.

By giving our time to Jesus, we acknowledge His significance in our lives and express our gratitude for His love and sacrifice. Let us treasure each moment and use it wisely to honor and glorify Him.

Using Our Talents for His Glory

Another gift we can give to Jesus is using our talents for His glory. All our gifts, abilities, and talents come from God, and it is our responsibility to use them to make a positive impact in the world. When we use our talents, we honor the One who graciously bestowed them upon us.

using talents for Jesus

Every individual has unique talents and abilities that can be used to serve Jesus and spread His message of love and hope. Whether it’s using our talents in our jobs, schools, communities, or churches, we have the opportunity to glorify God with our abilities.

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” – 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)

When we use our talents to serve others, we not only impact their lives but also demonstrate our love for Jesus. By using our abilities to uplift and encourage those around us, we reflect God’s love and bring glory to His name.

Examples of Using Talents for Jesus

There are countless ways to use our talents for Jesus. Here are a few examples:

  • Using musical talents to lead worship in church
  • Using artistic talents to create inspiring artwork that reflects biblical truths
  • Using writing skills to share testimonies of faith and encourage others
  • Using athletic abilities to coach or mentor youth in a Christian sports program
  • Using teaching skills to educate others about the Bible or spiritual topics
  • Using organizational skills to help plan and coordinate church events or service projects

These are just a few examples, but the possibilities are limitless. Each person has unique talents that can be used to bring glory to God and advance His kingdom on earth.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” – Colossians 3:23 (NIV)

When we use our talents with a heart that desires to honor Jesus, our work becomes an act of worship. Our abilities can be powerful tools for spreading His love, kindness, and truth to a world in need.

Offering Our Treasures

As believers, we understand that our treasures, including our possessions, finances, and relationships, are gifts from God. We are called to be good stewards of these resources and use them in ways that honor Him. By offering our treasures to God, we demonstrate our trust and reliance on Him in every area of our lives.

One essential aspect of offering our treasures to God is being generous with our money. Instead of hoarding our wealth, we can choose to give generously and support the work of God’s kingdom. This includes tithing, contributing to charitable causes, and helping those in need. When we prioritize God in our financial decisions, we acknowledge His ownership over our possessions and recognize that He has blessed us to be a blessing to others.

But our treasures extend beyond material possessions. Our relationships are also valuable gifts entrusted to us by God. We can honor Him by investing in our relationships, nurturing them with love, kindness, and forgiveness. By prioritizing time with loved ones, cherishing moments of connection, and helping each other grow spiritually, we demonstrate our commitment to stewarding our relationships in a way that pleases God.

Fostering a heart of gratitude

Stewardship of our possessions and resources also involves cultivating a heart of gratitude. The Bible reminds us to be thankful for everything we have received from God. When we recognize that our possessions, finances, and relationships are gifts from Him, we develop an attitude of gratitude that shapes the way we use and value these treasures.

It is important to note that stewardship goes beyond simply giving. It encompasses the responsible management of all that God has entrusted to us. This includes wisely managing our finances, living within our means, and making financial decisions that align with our values and honor God. By being good stewards of our resources, we demonstrate our faithfulness and obedience to God’s commands.

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” – Malachi 3:10

Ways to Offer Our Treasures to God

Treasures Ways to Offer
Possessions – Donate items to those in need
– Use our possessions to bless others
– Avoid materialism and excessive consumption
Finances – Tithe to support the work of God’s kingdom
– Give offerings to charitable causes
– Practice wise financial management
Relationships – Invest time and effort in building meaningful connections
Foster love, kindness, and forgiveness
– Seek to influence others positively

Offering our treasures to God is a tangible expression of our faith and love for Him. When we prioritize Him in every area of our lives, we align our hearts with His purposes. Let us be faithful stewards, grateful for the treasures entrusted to us, and mindful of the ways we can honor God with all that we have been given.

Committing to Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible reading is a gift we can give to Jesus that allows us to deepen our relationship with Him. Through reading the Bible, we engage in a conversation with God, listening to His words and learning more about His teachings. By committing to daily Bible reading, we show our desire to know God more intimately and grow in our understanding of His will for our lives.

The Importance of Spending Time with God

Spending time with God through daily Bible reading is essential for our spiritual growth. It is during these moments of reflection and study that we find guidance, comfort, and inspiration. The Bible is God’s Word, and by immersing ourselves in it regularly, we align our thoughts and actions with His divine wisdom.

Daily Bible reading allows us to gain a deeper understanding of God’s character, His promises, and His plans for us. It nurtures our faith, strengthens our relationship with Him, and equips us to face the challenges of life. As we spend time with God, we find solace, direction, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Studying the Word of God not only transforms our lives but also empowers us to be a light to others. The insights we gain from daily Bible reading become a wellspring of wisdom that we can share with those around us. Through our actions and words, we become ambassadors of God’s love and grace.

The Benefits of Studying the Word Daily

Committing to daily Bible reading brings various benefits to our lives:

  1. Deepens our knowledge: The Bible contains endless treasures of wisdom and knowledge. By studying it daily, we uncover hidden truths, gain fresh perspectives, and expand our understanding of God’s plan for humanity.
  2. Nourishes our soul: Just as our bodies need daily sustenance, our souls require spiritual nourishment. Daily Bible reading fills our hearts with hope, joy, and peace, replenishing our spirits and giving us the strength to face each day.
  3. Strengthens our faith: The more we delve into the Word of God, the firmer our faith becomes. Daily Bible reading bolsters our trust in God’s faithfulness, His promises, and His unfailing love for us.
  4. Guides our decisions: The Bible serves as a compass for our lives. By studying it daily, we gain insight into making sound, godly decisions that align with God’s Word.
  5. Transforms our character: As we immerse ourselves in God’s Word, we are transformed from the inside out. The truths we encounter shape our thoughts, attitudes, and actions, molding us into Christlikeness.

A Lifelong Commitment

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” – Psalm 119:105

Committing to daily Bible reading is not just a one-time act but a lifelong commitment to seek after God. It is a deliberate choice to set aside time each day to engage with His Word, allowing it to penetrate our hearts and mold us into His image.

By prioritizing daily Bible reading, we demonstrate our love for God, our hunger for His truth, and our willingness to align our lives with His will. It is an act of worship, a gift we give to Jesus in response to His immeasurable love for us.

Benefits of Daily Bible Reading Scripture
Deepens knowledge of God 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Nourishes the soul Psalm 19:7-10
Strengthens faith Romans 10:17
Guides decisions Psalm 119:105
Transforms character 2 Corinthians 3:18

Committing to daily Bible reading is an investment in our spiritual growth and a tangible way to draw closer to God. As we spend time with Him in His Word, we experience His presence, receive His wisdom, and are transformed from glory to glory. Let us make the commitment to daily engage with the Scriptures, allowing the Word of God to shape and guide our lives every step of the way.

Devoting Time to Prayer

Prayer is another meaningful gift we can give to Jesus. It is through prayer that we have direct communication with God, expressing our thoughts, feelings, and desires to Him. By committing to daily prayer, we show our reliance on God, seek His guidance, and deepen our relationship with Jesus. Prayer is a powerful tool that allows us to connect with God on a personal level.

Prayer serves as a constant reminder of our dependence on God. It is a way to acknowledge that we need Him in every aspect of our lives. Through prayer, we express our gratitude for His blessings, seek His forgiveness for our shortcomings, and lay our burdens at His feet. Daily prayer is a transformative practice that allows us to grow in our faith and experience the peace and comfort that can only come from God.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” – Philippians 4:6

Prayer is not just about asking for things; it is also an opportunity to listen to God’s voice and align our hearts with His will. Through prayer, we can find clarity, wisdom, and discernment in making decisions, knowing that God’s guidance is trustworthy and true. It is in the stillness and surrender of prayer that we can experience a deeper connection with Jesus and a greater sense of His presence in our lives.

Jesus Himself set an example of the importance of prayer. He would often retreat to quiet places to pray and seek God’s guidance. If prayer was essential to Jesus, who is fully God and fully man, how much more should it be a priority for us?

Building a Relationship with Jesus Through Prayer

Prayer is not just a transactional conversation with God; it is a means of building a relationship with Jesus. Just as communication is vital in any relationship, daily prayer allows us to cultivate intimacy and closeness with our Savior. It is an invitation for Jesus to speak into our hearts, transform our lives, and reveal His purposes for us.

When we pray, we invite Jesus into the depths of our souls, exposing our vulnerabilities, hopes, and dreams. We share our joys and sorrows, our triumphs and failures, knowing that Jesus listens with compassion and understanding. Through prayer, we can experience the unconditional love and acceptance that only He can offer.

As we devote time to prayer, we become more attuned to God’s voice and learn to discern His leading in our lives. The more we rely on Him and seek His guidance through prayer, the stronger our relationship with Jesus becomes. It is through this deepening relationship that we can experience His peace, joy, and abundant life.

Daily Prayer

Committing to daily prayer is not always easy. Life’s distractions and busyness can often hinder our time with God. However, when we prioritize prayer, we make a conscious choice to put our relationship with Jesus first. We carve out moments of stillness in the midst of chaos, recognizing that it is in those moments that we can hear God’s voice most clearly.

Through prayer, we can find solace, strength, and guidance in the midst of life’s challenges. It is in the quiet moments of prayer that we can lay our burdens before God, trusting Him to provide peace and solutions. By devoting time to prayer, we open up a channel of communication with God that transforms our hearts, minds, and lives.

The Power of Daily Prayer

When we commit to daily prayer, we tap into the power that comes from being in constant communion with our Heavenly Father. Daily prayer strengthens our relationship with Jesus, allowing us to experience His love, grace, and transformative power in our lives. It is a source of comfort, encouragement, and guidance that sustains us through life’s ups and downs.

Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” – Hebrews 4:14-16

Through daily prayer, we can experience the assurance of God’s presence, the comfort of His love, and the power of His grace. Prayer transforms our perspective and aligns our hearts with God’s purposes. It empowers us to live with faith, hope, and trust, even in the face of adversity.

As we devote time to daily prayer, we invite God to work in and through us. We surrender our plans and desires to His sovereign will, trusting that He knows what is best for us. Daily prayer enables us to walk in step with the Holy Spirit, discern His promptings, and live in obedience to His Word.

Spending Time with God Through Prayer

Building a habit of daily prayer is a journey that requires intentionality, discipline, and perseverance. It involves setting aside dedicated time each day to spend with God, seeking His face and listening to His voice. Whether it’s in the quietness of the morning, the stillness of the evening, or moments found throughout the day, the important thing is to create a space for prayer in our lives.

There are no strict rules or formulas for prayer. It is a personal and intimate conversation with our Creator. It can take many forms – from pouring out our hearts in earnest supplication to sitting in silence, basking in God’s presence. The key is to cultivate a genuine and authentic relationship with Jesus through prayer.

As we make the commitment to devote time to daily prayer, we will witness the transformative power it has in our lives. Our faith will grow deeper, our relationship with Jesus will grow stronger, and our hearts will be shaped to reflect His love and character. Daily prayer is a gift we give to ourselves and to Jesus, fostering a connection that lasts an eternity.

Serving in Our Local Church

Serving in our local church is a gift we can give to Jesus by using our gifts and talents for His kingdom. God has uniquely gifted each of us, and He calls us to use those gifts to serve others within the church community.

By volunteering in ministries, participating in outreach programs, and supporting the work of the church, we demonstrate our commitment to Jesus and His mission on earth.

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” – Mark 10:45

Through service, we reflect Jesus’ selfless love and model His servant heart. When we use our gifts and abilities to serve others, we become channels of God’s grace and bring glory to His name.

Volunteering in Ministries

One way to serve in the local church is by volunteering in various ministries. Whether it’s teaching Sunday school, leading worship, or serving in the hospitality team, each role contributes to the vibrant functioning of the church.

Participating in Outreach Programs

Engaging in outreach programs allows us to extend the love of Jesus beyond the church walls. It can involve activities such as organizing community events, visiting the elderly, providing meals for those in need, or supporting local charities.

Supporting the Work of the Church

Financially supporting the work of the church is another way to serve. Our contributions help facilitate ministry initiatives, maintain the church building, and support missionaries spreading the Gospel around the world.

Benefits of Church Service Ways to Serve
1. Deepens spiritual growth 1. Volunteering in ministries
2. Builds meaningful relationships 2. Participating in outreach programs
3. Makes a positive impact in the community 3. Supporting the work of the church
4. Strengthens faith through service

Serving in our local church is not only a gift to Jesus but also a blessing for us. It allows us to grow spiritually, develop meaningful relationships, make a positive impact in our community, and strengthen our faith through service.

Let us use our gifts and talents to serve others in the church, following the example of Jesus, who came not to be served but to serve.

Giving Financially to the Church

One of the ways believers can show their commitment to supporting God’s work is by giving financially to the church. Through tithing and generous contributions, individuals contribute to the mission and growth of the local church community. By giving to the church, believers acknowledge that their resources ultimately belong to God and understand the significance of investing in His kingdom.

Financially supporting the church allows believers to actively participate in God’s work on earth. It enables the church to carry out its ministries, outreach programs, and serve the community. The act of giving demonstrates a heart of gratitude and a desire to be faithful stewards of the blessings God has provided.

Benefits of Giving Financially to the Church

Giving financially to the church not only supports God’s work but also brings numerous benefits to the individual believer. Some of these benefits include:

  1. Blessings from God: The Bible teaches that those who give generously will be blessed in return. By giving to the church, believers open themselves up to receiving God’s blessings in various areas of their lives.
  2. Strengthened faith: Financial giving is an act of faith that requires trust in God’s provision. As believers step out in obedience and sacrificial giving, their faith is strengthened, and they experience God’s faithfulness.
  3. Community engagement: Giving financially to the church allows believers to actively engage with their local church community. It fosters a sense of belonging, unity, and partnership in fulfilling God’s purposes.
  4. Impact on others: The contributions made to the church have a ripple effect. Financial support enables the church to reach out and impact the lives of others, both within the congregation and in the wider community.

Principles of Financial Giving

When giving financially to the church, it is essential to do so with a spirit of cheerfulness and intentionality. Here are a few principles that can guide believers in their financial giving:

  1. Regular giving: Consistency in giving allows the church to plan and budget effectively. It is beneficial to establish a regular giving pattern, whether it be weekly, monthly, or annually.
  2. Tithe: Tithing is a biblical principle of giving the first fruits, or ten percent, of one’s income to God. It is a tangible way of acknowledging God’s provision and putting Him first in our finances.
  3. Sacrificial giving: Sacrificial giving involves going beyond what is comfortable or convenient. It requires faith and a willingness to trust God even when it may require personal sacrifice.
  4. Prayerful consideration: Before giving, it is important to seek God’s guidance and wisdom. Prayerfully consider the amount to give and listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

Giving financially to the church is not solely about the amount given but the heart behind the giving. It is a tangible expression of love and commitment to God and His work. By supporting the church financially, believers actively participate in fulfilling the Great Commission and making a difference in the lives of others.

giving to the church

Benefits of Giving Financially to the Church Principles of Financial Giving
  • Blessings from God
  • Strengthened faith
  • Community engagement
  • Impact on others
  • Regular giving
  • Tithe
  • Sacrificial giving
  • Prayerful consideration

Sharing Our Faith with Others

Sharing our faith with others is an invaluable gift we can give to Jesus. As believers, we are called to be witnesses of His love and salvation. By sharing our personal testimonies, inviting others to church, and actively engaging in conversations about faith, we participate in spreading the message of Jesus to those who have yet to know Him. Sharing our faith is a tangible way to show our love for Jesus and His desire for all to come to Him.

“And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.'” – Mark 16:15

We have been entrusted with the message of Jesus’ love and salvation, and it is our responsibility to share it with others. Just as we have experienced the transformative power of a relationship with Jesus, we want others to have the same opportunity. Our experiences and encounters with God are unique and personal, and through sharing them, we can inspire others to seek a deeper connection with Him.

Inviting others to church is another powerful way to share our faith. The church community provides a welcoming space for people to encounter the message of Jesus and experience the love of God through fellowship. By extending invitations to friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues, we open doors for them to hear the good news and witness firsthand the impact of Jesus in our lives.

Engaging in conversations about faith is essential in spreading the message of Jesus. By listening attentively, asking thoughtful questions, and sharing biblical truths, we can guide others on their spiritual journey. It is important to remember that evangelism is not just about persuading others but rather, planting seeds of faith and allowing the Holy Spirit to work in their lives.

Sharing our faith requires a genuine love and compassion for others. We must approach evangelism with humility, empathy, and a willingness to meet people where they are. By being authentic and transparent about our own struggles and victories, we can relate to others and make Jesus’ message relatable and accessible.

Benefits of Sharing Your Faith

When we share our faith with others, we not only fulfill our calling as believers but also experience personal growth and spiritual blessings. Here are some benefits of sharing your faith:

  • Growth in your own faith as you reflect on and articulate your beliefs
  • Opportunities to connect with and encourage others on their spiritual journey
  • Deepening relationships within the church community through shared mission and purpose
  • Witnessing God’s transformative power in the lives of others
  • Contributing to the expansion of God’s kingdom and the fulfillment of the Great Commission

Remember that evangelism is not about forcing beliefs onto others but rather, being a vessel through which God’s love and truth can flow. Every person’s faith journey is unique, and we have the privilege of being a part of their story. As we share our faith with others, let us do so with grace, humility, and an unwavering commitment to spreading the message of Jesus.


In conclusion, the best gift we can give to Jesus is ourselves. By offering our time, talents, treasures, and devotion to Him, we honor His teachings and impact in our lives. The act of giving ourselves fully to Jesus is a meaningful and personal gift that demonstrates our love and commitment to Him.

During this Christmas season and beyond, let us remember that the best gift of all for Jesus is our wholehearted dedication. By prioritizing our relationship with Him, we not only bring joy to His heart but also experience the blessings that come from living in alignment with His will.

As we reflect on the ultimate gift of Jesus’s birth, let us choose to give ourselves completely to Him. May our actions and words be a testament to His love and grace, and may our lives reflect the transformative power of His presence. This Christmas, let us offer the best gift to Jesus – ourselves.


What is the best gift you can give to Jesus?

The best gift you can give to Jesus is yourself. By offering your time, talents, treasures, and devotion to Him, you honor His teachings and impact in your life.

How can I give my time to Jesus?

You can give your time to Jesus by dedicating your days, months, and years to Him. Make time for prayer, reading the Bible, attending church, and serving others to show your commitment to Him and honor Him with your time.

How can I use my talents for His glory?

You can use your talents for His glory by using them to make a positive impact in the world. Whether it’s in your job, school, community, or church, use your abilities to serve others and spread His message of love and hope.

How can I offer my treasures to God?

Your treasures, including your possessions, finances, and relationships, belong to God. Use them in ways that honor Him by being generous with your money, investing in your relationships, and being a good steward of the resources entrusted to you.

How can I commit to daily Bible reading?

Committing to daily Bible reading allows you to deepen your relationship with Jesus. Engage in a conversation with God by reading the Bible, listening to His words, and learning more about His teachings.

Why is prayer important?

Prayer is important because it allows you to have direct communication with God. Express your thoughts, feelings, and desires to Him, seek His guidance, and deepen your relationship with Jesus through daily prayer.

How can I serve in my local church?

You can serve in your local church by using your gifts and talents for His kingdom. Volunteer in ministries, participate in outreach programs, and support the work of the church to demonstrate your commitment to Jesus and His mission on earth.

Why is giving financially to the church important?

Giving financially to the church is a way to contribute to the work of God and support His mission on earth. It acknowledges that your resources belong to Him and recognizes the importance of investing in His kingdom by tithing and financially supporting the church.

How can I share my faith with others?

You can share your faith with others by sharing your personal testimonies, inviting others to church, and actively engaging in conversations about faith. Participate in spreading the message of Jesus to those who have yet to know Him.

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