What Is Jesus Doing in Heaven?

Jesus, after ascending to heaven, continues to play an active role in the lives of believers. While we often celebrate what Jesus has done for us in the past and look forward to what He will do in the future, we often overlook what He is currently doing. Scripture reveals that Jesus is actively working on our behalf in heaven, interceding for us, advocating for us, and preparing a place for us.

Key Takeaways:

  • Jesus is actively engaged in divine duties and spiritual work in heaven.
  • He intercedes for believers, bringing their prayers and requests before God.
  • Jesus serves as the advocate for believers, defending them against accusations of sin.
  • He is preparing a place for believers in heaven, eagerly anticipating their arrival.
  • Jesus’ active presence in the lives of believers brings comfort, assurance, and strength.

The Power of Jesus in Heaven

Jesus currently holds the most prominent position of influence and authority in the universe. Scripture tells us that He is seated at the right hand of God, actively ministering to and engaging with all of creation. From this heavenly position, Jesus wields immeasurable power, surpassing anything we may encounter in the world.

“Jesus, the reigning King, strategically maneuvers all things according to the Father’s will, ensuring His influence extends beyond earthly stresses, struggles, fears, or sins. His power is unmatched and unrivaled.”

As believers, it’s important to recognize and trust in the power of Jesus. Despite the challenges we face, His authority supersedes any earthly circumstance. By embracing His heavenly authority, we can find comfort, strength, and hope.

Jesus’ Power in Heaven
Influence Jesus holds the highest position of influence in the universe, actively working to fulfill the Father’s will.
Authority Seated at the right hand of God, Jesus exercises divine authority over all creation.
Omniscience From His heavenly vantage point, Jesus sees and understands all things, providing guidance and direction.
Sovereignty Jesus’ power surpasses any struggle, fear, or sin we may face, offering us security and peace.

The power of Jesus in heaven is not just a distant reality but a present force in our lives. It’s through His heavenly position that He intercedes for us, advocates on our behalf, and guides us toward a life rooted in His authority and love.

Jesus as Our Intercessor

Jesus not only redeemed us in the past, but He also intercedes for us in the present. Scripture tells us that He is able to save those who draw near to God through Him and that He always lives to make intercession for us. Jesus represents us before the Father, bringing our prayers and requests before Him.

He advocates on our behalf, pleading our case and pointing to His work on the Cross as the basis of our righteousness. He stands in the gap for us, answering for our failures and making provision for our needs.

Through His intercession, Jesus bridges the gap between our human limitations and the divine presence of the Father. He understands our weaknesses, temptations, and struggles, and He presents our heartfelt requests to the Father with the utmost love and compassion.

“Jesus’ intercession serves as a powerful reminder of His unwavering commitment to His people. He makes our needs known to the Almighty, ensuring that no prayer goes unheard or unanswered.

It is through Jesus’ intercession that our prayers become effective, reaching the ears of the heavenly Father who loves us deeply. Knowing that Jesus is actively interceding for us brings immense comfort and confidence, as we have an advocate who is intimately involved in our lives and fighting for our well-being.

Jesus’ intercession is not based on our merit or worthiness but on His sacrificial love and the righteousness He has imputed to us. When we approach the Father in prayer, we can rest assured that Jesus is by our side, interceding for us and presenting our requests according to God’s perfect will.

Jesus’ intercession emphasizes His role as our mediator, our bridge to God’s presence. Through His intercession, we are invited into a close and personal relationship with the Father, where our needs are acknowledged, and our hearts find solace and strength.

Prayerful Living in Light of Jesus’ Intercession

Understanding Jesus’ intercessory role should motivate us to prioritize prayer in our lives. Recognizing that Jesus intercedes for us daily calls us to align our hearts and minds with His will and seek His guidance in all aspects of our lives.

As believers, we are invited to bring our prayers and requests before Jesus, knowing that He is actively interceding for us. This reassures us that our prayers are not in vain but carry weight and significance in the heavenly realms.

“In Jesus’ intercession, we find comfort, strength, and assurance. We are invited to approach Him boldly, knowing that He is always ready to intercede on our behalf and meet us with grace and compassion.”

By engaging in heartfelt prayer, we deepen our relationship with Jesus and experience the transformative power of His intercession. We are reminded of His love, His ever-present help, and His desire to bring about His purposes in and through our lives.

As we grasp the significance of Jesus’ intercessory role, we are encouraged to persevere in prayer, knowing that He is actively working on our behalf. Our prayers are not met with indifference or apathy but are heard by the One who understands our deepest longings and responds with wisdom and love.

Jesus’ intercession is an invitation to draw near to the Father, to pour out our hearts, and to trust in His perfect will and timing. In this place of intimacy and reliance, we experience the transformative power of Jesus’ love, finding peace, hope, and restoration in His intercession.


Key Points Scripture References
Jesus intercedes for us in the present Hebrews 7:25
Jesus represents us before the Father 1 Timothy 2:5
Jesus pleads our case based on His work on the Cross Romans 8:34; 1 John 2:1
Jesus answers for our failures and provides for our needs 1 John 2:2; Hebrews 4:15-16
Jesus’ intercession ensures our prayers are not in vain Ephesians 3:20; James 5:16

Jesus interceding for believers

Shockingly, eager for us in heavenly. With eternity already given to us, Jesus’s grace and supplication do not diminish His nearness and presence in our lives. Through His intercession, Jesus exhibits His unlimited love and concern for each believer, representing our requests before the Father and making a way for our needs to be met. His divine intervention bridges the gap between Heaven and Earth, demonstrating His commitment to our spiritual and emotional growth. In times of doubt or struggle, we can find solace and strength in Jesus’ intercession, assured that in this divine intervention, our prayers carry weight and significance. So let us approach the throne of grace with confidence and embrace the privilege of being able to intimately communicate with our heavenly Father, knowing that our Savior, Jesus, intercedes for us daily.

Jesus as Our Advocate

When we sin, Jesus serves as our advocate before God. The enemy may accuse us of our faults and failures, but Jesus defends us, reminding God of His perfect righteousness freely granted to us through the Cross. Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf satisfies God’s justice, and He continually points to His work as the basis of our amends before the Righteous Judge. In our weaknesses, failures, and confusion before God, Jesus pleads our case and provides for us through His grace and mercy.

“For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people.”

1 Timothy 2:5-6 (NIV)

The Role of Jesus as Our Advocate

As believers, we are not solely responsible for defending ourselves in the presence of God’s righteousness. Jesus, who experienced every temptation and yet remained without sin, stands as our advocate. He intercedes on our behalf, presenting His own righteousness as the basis for our acceptance before God.

Through His death and resurrection, Jesus not only paid the penalty for our sins, but He also secured our justification before God. He took on the punishment we deserved and credited us with His righteousness, allowing us to stand blameless before the Righteous Judge.

When the enemy accuses us, Jesus defends us by pointing to the finished work of the Cross. He proclaims our forgiveness and reminds God of His unconditional love and mercy.

The Assurance of Jesus’ Advocacy

Knowing that Jesus serves as our advocate gives us confidence in our relationship with God. We no longer have to fear condemnation or rejection because Jesus has already taken our place and paid the price for our sins.

When we stumble and fall, Jesus is there to pick us up and strengthen us. He continually intercedes for us, presenting our needs, weaknesses, and struggles before the Father. His advocacy is not based on our merit or performance but on His perfect righteousness and love for us.

In times of doubt, we can trust in Jesus’ advocacy. His presence and intimate knowledge of our lives assure us that we are never alone. He stands between us and God, bridging the gap between sin and righteousness.

Jesus’ Preparation for Us in Heaven

In preparation for the glorious arrival of believers into heaven, Jesus eagerly anticipates our coming and is actively preparing a place for us. Scripture assures us that He will come again to take us to Himself, where we will dwell with Him forever. This blessed hope sustains us in moments of difficulty and confusion in this world, reminding us that our true home is not here. Jesus is preparing something far better for us, a place where we will be completely free from darkness, brokenness, and pain.

As we wait for the fulfillment of all that Jesus is preparing, we find strength and solace in knowing that this world is temporary, but our eternal home in heaven is secure. Our hope of heaven, where we will be in the presence of our Savior, motivates us to persevere in faith and continually seek His kingdom and righteousness. It compels us to live with an eternal perspective, keeping our eyes fixed on the ultimate destination that Jesus is preparing for us.

Preparation for Arrival

Jesus’ investment in preparing a place for us in heaven is a testament to His love and care for His followers. Just as a loving host makes every effort to ensure the comfort and enjoyment of their guests, Jesus, the ultimate perfect Host, is meticulously preparing an exquisite dwelling place for those who belong to Him. In His infinite wisdom and love, He knows exactly what we need for true fulfillment and eternal joy.

While we eagerly anticipate the fulfillment of His promises, we are called to live in joyful expectation, knowing that our arrival in heaven will be the ultimate celebration and union with Jesus. As we await our glorious homecoming, we are encouraged to live in a manner that reflects our citizenship in heaven, loving God and others, being faithful stewards of what He has entrusted to us, and sharing the hope of eternal life in Jesus with those around us.

Jesus’ Active Role in Believers

Jesus’ involvement in the lives of believers extends beyond His work in heaven. Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, whom He sent to reside in and with believers, Jesus plays an active role in shaping their character and empowering their obedience.

One of the ways Jesus actively works in the lives of believers is through intercession. He intercedes for them, bringing their prayers and requests before the Father. As the perfect mediator, Jesus pleads their case and advocates on their behalf.

As followers of Jesus, believers are called to reflect His life and teachings in their daily lives. This reflection can be seen through their work, attitudes, words, and behavior. By living in accordance with Jesus’ example, believers become His visible representation in the world, pointing others to Him.

Believers are reminded of this active role they play in reflecting Jesus’ character through the words of the Apostle Paul: “I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” (Galatians 2:20). In this way, believers become the body of Christ, displaying His love, grace, and truth to those around them.

“As believers, we are not meant to simply believe in Jesus; we are called to become like Him and reflect His life in all we do.”

– John 3:30

Being aware of Jesus’ active role in their lives, believers find encouragement and strength to live according to His teachings. They draw on His power, guidance, and presence as they navigate the challenges and joys of life.

In reflection of Jesus’ indwelling and intercession, believers are called to live in a way that brings glory to Him, and through their actions, they demonstrate the transformative power of a relationship with Jesus.

Key Points:

  • Jesus is actively involved in the lives of believers through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
  • He intercedes for believers, bringing their prayers and requests before the Father.
  • Believers are called to reflect Jesus’ character in their work, attitudes, words, and behavior.
  • They become the visible representation of Jesus in the world, pointing others to Him.

Jesus’ Ascension to Heaven

When Jesus ascended to heaven, it marked the end of His earthly limitations and the return of His heavenly glory. His bodily ascension was witnessed by His disciples and other onlookers, who saw Him rise gradually and be received into a cloud.

“While they were watching, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight.”

Scripture assures us that Jesus is now in an actual place called heaven, where God dwells with His angels and redeemed children. This significant event not only demonstrated Jesus’ divine power but also opened the way for believers to receive the Holy Spirit and experience a profound transformation in their lives.

The ascension of Jesus holds great significance for Christians. It serves as a reminder of His victory over sin and death and the fulfillment of His earthly mission. It highlights His exalted position as the Son of God and the King of Kings, seated at the right hand of the Father.

Through His ascension, Jesus paved the way for believers to have a direct and personal relationship with the Father, empowered by the Holy Spirit. His bodily return to heaven affirmed His divine nature and assured believers of their future hope in Him.

Jesus’ Return in Glory

While Jesus ascended to heaven nearly two thousand years ago, the Bible also promises that He will return in glory to establish His eternal kingdom.

“They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory.”

This anticipated return is a source of hope and expectation for believers, who eagerly await the day when they will be reunited with their Lord and Savior. Jesus’ ascension reminds us that His work on earth is not finished, and His heavenly glory will be fully revealed when He comes again.

Jesus’ Place at the Right Hand of God

According to Scripture, Jesus holds a position of divine honor, seated at the right hand of God. This placement signifies His authority and glory, elevating Him above all creation. In Psalm 110, Jesus Himself claims His Lordship over David, further solidifying His exalted position in the heavenly realms.

“The LORD says to my Lord: ‘Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.'” – Psalm 110:1

In Jewish culture, the right hand held prominent significance, representing power, favor, and authority. By sitting at the right hand of God, Jesus is given the highest place of honor, signifying His divine nature and His equal standing with the Father.

This divine honor bestowed upon Jesus emphasizes His role as the divine mediator, interceding on behalf of humanity. It portrays His immense power and authority to execute God’s will and fulfill His purposes in the world.

Jesus’ position at the right hand of God reminds us that He is not merely a historical figure or a prophet but the Son of God, deserving our utmost reverence and worship. His divine honor positions Him as the ultimate source of guidance, salvation, and hope for all who believe in Him.

Jesus and Divine Authority

Jesus’ right hand position not only represents divine honor but also signifies His authority over all creation. Scripture affirms His sovereignty, declaring that God has put everything under His feet:

Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet.” – 1 Corinthians 15:24-25

This authority extends to both the physical and spiritual realms. Jesus confidently exercises His power to establish justice, defeat His enemies, and bring about the ultimate fulfillment of God’s kingdom reign.

By acknowledging Jesus’ position at the right hand of God, we not only recognize His divine honor but also submit to His authority. In doing so, we invite His righteous rule into every aspect of our lives, trusting that His wisdom and power will guide us in all things.

Jesus’ Position at the Right Hand of God Implications
Divine honor Recognizing Jesus as the Son of God, deserving reverence and worship.
Ultimate authority Submitting to Jesus’ rule over all creation and seeking His guidance.
Intercessor and mediator Embracing Jesus’ role in interceding for humanity and mediating our relationship with God.

Jesus’ Omnipresence

While Jesus is physically in heaven, we should also remember that as God, He possesses omnipresence. Jesus, along with the Father and the Holy Spirit, is present everywhere, not just in heaven. Scripture reminds us that the heavens cannot contain Him, and His presence extends to every believer and every corner of the earth.

Jesus’ omnipresence is a remarkable aspect of His divine nature. It means that He is not limited by time or space, and His presence is not confined to a specific location, such as heaven. Instead, Jesus is present with us in our everyday lives, guiding, comforting, and leading us.

Whether we are alone in our prayer closets or gathered in worship with other believers, Jesus is there with us. His omnipresence reminds us that we are never truly alone and that we can rely on His constant presence and guidance. In moments of joy, he rejoices with us, and in times of sorrow, he provides comfort and strength.

It is comforting to know that no matter where we are, Jesus is present and aware of our circumstances. When we are facing challenges or feeling lost, we can find solace in His abiding presence. His loving presence brings us hope, peace, and assurance that we are not forgotten or abandoned.

Jesus said in Matthew 28:20, “And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Through His omnipresence, Jesus demonstrates His deep love and commitment to His followers. His constant presence is a source of strength and encouragement, reminding us that we are never alone in our journeys of faith.

Jesus' Omnipresence

Assurance of Jesus’ Presence

Believers can find assurance in the knowledge that Jesus is both present in heaven and with us in this world. His omnipresence ensures that He is always near, accompanying His followers through every step of their journey. Jesus Himself has promised to be with us always, offering a constant source of comfort, guidance, and strength.

As believers, we can draw great comfort from the fact that Jesus is actively working for our good in both heaven and earth. His presence brings peace in times of trouble, hope in times of despair, and joy in times of sorrow. He is a faithful companion who never leaves us or forsakes us.

“Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” – Matthew 28:20

Whether we are facing challenges, seeking wisdom, or desiring to experience His love, Jesus’ presence is always available to us. He is not limited by time, space, or circumstances, but is intimately involved in every aspect of our lives. Through His Holy Spirit, He dwells within every believer, offering guidance, comfort, and assurance of His unfailing love.

When we feel alone, overwhelmed, or discouraged, we can find solace in the presence of Jesus. He empathizes with our struggles, understands our weaknesses, and is ready to offer His grace and mercy. His presence provides strength to persevere, faith to believe, and hope for the future.

Jesus’ presence is not a distant or detached oversight, but a personal and intimate communion with His followers. As believers, we can rest assured that He knows us intimately, hears our prayers, and is actively working on our behalf. We can trust in His unfailing love and rely on His guidance.

In conclusion, the assurance of Jesus’ presence brings comfort and confidence to believers. His omnipresence and promise to be with us always assure us that we are never alone, but constantly surrounded by His love and care. With Jesus by our side, we can face any challenge, overcome any obstacle, and find peace in every circumstance.


Jesus’ work in heaven does not diminish His presence and involvement in our lives. He continues to intercede for us, advocating on our behalf, and making preparations for our arrival in heaven. This knowledge brings us strength, comfort, and assurance, knowing that Jesus is intimately involved in our daily lives.

His power and love are continuously at work for our benefit, guiding us through life’s challenges and victories. As we reflect on Jesus’ present role in heaven, we are encouraged to live in a way that honors Him and points others to His saving grace.

Let us walk in the confidence of His active involvement, finding solace in the fact that Jesus is actively interceding for us and making a way for us in heaven. May our lives reflect His love and grace, drawing others closer to the hope and salvation found in Jesus alone.


What is Jesus currently doing in heaven?

Jesus, after ascending to heaven, continues to play an active role in the lives of believers. Scripture reveals that He is interceding for us, advocating for us, and preparing a place for us.

What is the power of Jesus in heaven?

Jesus holds the most prominent position of influence and authority in the universe. Scripture tells us that He is seated at the right hand of God, actively ministering to and engaging with all of creation.

How does Jesus intercede for us in heaven?

Jesus represents us before the Father, bringing our prayers and requests before Him. He advocates on our behalf, pleading our case and pointing to His work on the Cross as the basis of our righteousness.

How does Jesus serve as our advocate in heaven?

When we sin, Jesus defends us before God, reminding Him of His perfect righteousness freely granted to us through the Cross. His sacrifice satisfies God’s justice and He pleads our case, providing for us through His grace and mercy.

What is Jesus’ preparation for us in heaven?

Jesus eagerly anticipates our arrival into glory and is actively preparing a place for us. Scripture assures us that He will come again to take us to Himself, where we will dwell with Him forever.

How does Jesus play an active role in believers?

Through the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus sent to reside in and with believers, He actively works to shape our character and empower our obedience. He intercedes for us and brings our prayers before the Father.

What happened during Jesus’ ascension to heaven?

Jesus’ bodily ascension marked the end of His earthly limitations and the return of His heavenly glory. He was witnessed by His disciples and other onlookers as He rose gradually and was received into a cloud.

What does Jesus’ right hand position signify?

Jesus sits at the right hand of God, signifying His place of divine honor and authority. He is not only the son of David but the Lord of David, as evidenced in the conversation recorded in Psalm 110.

Is Jesus only present in heaven?

While Jesus is physically in heaven, He also possesses omnipresence as God. His presence extends to every believer and every corner of the earth.

Can we be assured of Jesus’ presence in our lives?

Yes, we can find assurance in the knowledge that Jesus is both in heaven and with us in this world. Scripture reminds us of His omnipresence and His promise to be with us always.

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