What Gifts Did the Shepherds Bring to Jesus?

In the nativity scene, the shepherds hold a significant role as witnesses to the birth of Jesus. But what gifts did they bring to honor the newborn King? Contrary to popular belief, the shepherds did not present physical gifts to Jesus. Instead, their offering was one of love, devotion, and adoration.

The shepherds’ gifts were intangible yet immensely valuable. They brought blessings such as faith, love, devotion, and gratitude. In their humble hearts, they recognized the divine presence in the baby Jesus and offered their spiritual gifts as a form of worship.

Key Takeaways:

  • The shepherds did not bring physical gifts to Jesus in the nativity scene.
  • Their offering was one of love, devotion, and adoration.
  • The shepherds’ gifts included faith, love, devotion, and gratitude.
  • They recognized the divine presence in Jesus and worshipped Him through their spiritual gifts.

The Role of Shepherds in the Nativity Scene

The shepherds play a significant role in the Christmas story and the nativity scene. They were the first to receive the announcement of Jesus’ birth from the angels. Their presence symbolizes humility, as shepherds were considered lowly and marginalized in society. The inclusion of shepherds in the nativity scene highlights God’s love for all people, regardless of their social status.

The shepherds’ role in the Christmas story can be seen as a representation of humility and the importance of marginalized individuals in God’s plan. In biblical times, shepherds were often looked down upon due to the nature of their profession, which involved working with animals and living in rural areas.

In Luke 2:8-20, it is written that an angel of the Lord appeared to a group of shepherds who were tending their flocks at night, bringing them the news of Jesus’ birth. The angel declared, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.”

“And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified.” (Luke 2:8-9)

This angelic visitation to the shepherds highlights their important role in the Christmas story, as they were specifically chosen by God to be the first witnesses of Jesus’ birth. Despite their lowly status in society, God honored them with this divine revelation.

The inclusion of shepherds in the nativity scene serves as a reminder of God’s love for all people, regardless of their social standing. It emphasizes the idea that Jesus came to save everyone, regardless of their background or station in life.

The shepherds’ presence in the nativity scene encourages us to reflect on the importance of humility and inclusivity in our own lives. It reminds us that no matter how society may categorize or marginalize individuals, God sees the value in each person and invites all to be part of His story.

Symbolism of the Shepherds’ Role

The shepherds’ role in the nativity scene holds symbolic significance. They represent the humble and ordinary people who were the first to recognize and witness the birth of Jesus. Their inclusion highlights the accessibility of the Christmas story to all, regardless of social status or wealth.

Just as the shepherds were chosen to witness the birth of Jesus, we too are invited to encounter Christ and be transformed by His love. The shepherds’ response to the angel’s message serves as an example of how we can respond to God’s invitation with faith and obedience.

As we celebrate Christmas and set up our nativity scenes, let us remember the shepherds and their pivotal role in the Christmas story. Let us embrace humility and inclusivity, recognizing the value of every individual in God’s eyes.

Role of Shepherds in the Nativity Scene Symbolism
First witnesses of Jesus’ birth Highlights humility and the inclusion of all people in God’s plan
Represent ordinary and marginalized individuals Emphasizes the accessibility of the Christmas story to everyone
Teaches the importance of humility and inclusivity Reminds us of the value of each person in God’s eyes

The Significance of Shepherds in Biblical Israel

In biblical Israel, shepherds played a vital role in the community. They led humble and lowly lifestyles, dedicating themselves to the care of their flocks. Guiding their sheep to find food and protecting them from danger, the shepherds exemplified devotion and selflessness.

The inclusion of shepherds in the story of Jesus’ birth holds profound symbolism. It highlights the importance of their role as caretakers and the significance of the humble conditions in which Jesus entered the world. By revealing His son to ordinary, everyday shepherds, God demonstrated His preference for those living a modest existence.

Just as the shepherds protected their sheep, they became witnesses to the arrival of the Savior. Their presence at the manger reflects the divine choice to entrust His birth to those who lived a humble lifestyle. It emphasizes that God’s love and message of salvation are accessible to all, regardless of social status or occupation.

The Humble Path to Divine Encounters

The shepherds embody the idea that great things can happen in the midst of simplicity. Their role in the nativity story teaches us about the significance of a humble heart and the rewards that come from a life dedicated to caring for others. By choosing shepherds as witnesses to Jesus’ birth, God demonstrated that profound encounters with the divine can occur in the most unexpected places.

“And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them” (Luke 2:8-9).

The shepherds’ encounter with the angels served as a transformative moment. It propelled them to venture forth, leaving behind their flocks, to witness the miracle of Jesus’ birth. Through their journey, they embraced their role as messengers, sharing the joyous news with others and spreading the story of Jesus’ arrival.

Just as the shepherds had a profound encounter with Jesus, we too can experience divine moments in unexpected ways. Their story reminds us of the value of humility, creating space within our lives for divine encounters and inspiring others through our own journeys of faith.

biblical Israel

The Legacy of Shepherds in Faith

The shepherds’ presence in the nativity story continues to resonate with believers and serve as a reminder of the humble beginnings of Jesus’ life. Their inclusion highlights the importance of simplicity, devotion, and selflessness in our own spiritual journeys.

Just as the shepherds played a crucial role in the biblical narrative, we too can embrace our own unique callings, however humble or overlooked they may seem. Their story challenges us to live by faith, following God’s guidance, and sharing the good news of Jesus’ arrival with those around us.

Announcement of Jesus’ Birth to the Shepherds

The shepherds, diligently tending their flocks in the quiet of the night, were unaware of the extraordinary events that were about to unfold. Suddenly, they were enveloped by a divine presence as an angel appeared before them. The majestic figure proclaimed the joyous news of Jesus’ birth and conveyed that a Savior had come into the world.

The shepherds, initially overwhelmed by the heavenly sight, soon realized the significance of the angel’s announcement. They were handpicked by God to be the first witnesses to this extraordinary event. Their hearts filled with awe, faith, and reverence, they listened attentively to the message that would forever change the course of history.

“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David, a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.

An angelic choir then joined the first angel, filling the night sky with melodies of praise and glory. The humble shepherds were both astonished and elated, fully embracing the profound significance of this divine moment. With an unwavering sense of urgency, they embarked on a sacred journey to Bethlehem in search of the newborn King.

The angels’ announcement to the shepherds holds great significance in the nativity story. It exemplifies God’s choice to reveal His Son’s birth to those society considered lowly and disregarded. This profound inclusion highlights the immeasurable love and grace of God, extending His invitation to all people, regardless of their social status or position in society.

The shepherds’ response to the angels’ announcement demonstrates the power of faith and reinforces the belief that the most profound encounters with God are attainable by anyone who seeks Him with an open heart. The shepherds’ reverent acceptance and immediate action serve as an inspiration for believers throughout the ages, reminding us to embrace God’s message of love and salvation.

The Journey of the Shepherds to Bethlehem

After receiving the news of Jesus’ birth from the angels, the shepherds embarked on a remarkable journey to Bethlehem, eager to witness the fulfillment of the long-awaited prophecy.

Guided by faith and a sense of urgency, the shepherds hurriedly made their way to Bethlehem, following the directions given to them by the celestial messengers. Despite their humble status, they were among the first to be chosen to witness the miraculous event of Jesus’ birth.

As they reached Bethlehem, the shepherds searched for Mary and Joseph, the earthly parents of the newborn baby. With hearts filled with anticipation, they were finally led to a humble stable where Mary, Joseph, and the infant Jesus were staying. It was an unexpected sight – Jesus, the long-awaited Savior, lying in a manger.

Overwhelmed with awe and wonder, the shepherds knew they were standing in the presence of something extraordinary. They worshiped and adored the newborn King, recognizing Him as the fulfillment of ancient prophecies and the embodiment of God’s promise.

The shepherds were deeply moved by the experience and felt compelled to share their encounter with others. Bursting with joy, they went out and spread the story of Jesus’ birth, becoming messengers of hope, proclaiming the good news of salvation to everyone they came across.

“We have seen the Savior, the Messiah, just as the angels foretold. He has come to bring light into the world and to offer salvation to all!”

The shepherds’ journey to Bethlehem serves as a testament to the transformative power of faith and the profound impact of encountering Jesus. Their unwavering devotion and willingness to share their experience continue to inspire believers from generation to generation.


The shepherds heeded the call of the angels and embarked on a journey to Bethlehem with hearts full of anticipation. Witnessing the newborn Jesus lying in a manger, they were filled with awe and wonder. Overjoyed by the experience, they shared the news of Jesus’ birth, becoming messengers of hope and salvation to all who would listen. The shepherds’ journey to Bethlehem symbolizes the transformative power of encountering Jesus and serves as an enduring example of faith and devotion.

The Gifts of the Shepherds

The shepherds, although not bringing physical gifts, offered something equally valuable to Jesus. They approached Him with their praise and worship, expressing their adoration and gratitude for the birth of the Messiah. Their gift was one of faith and devotion, as they recognized Jesus as the Savior and King.

The shepherds’ offering of praise and worship highlights the essence of Christmas – not just the exchange of material gifts, but the recognition and celebration of Jesus’ presence in our lives. Their act of worship serves as a reminder that true gifts come from the heart and can be expressed through devotion and adoration.

“And coming up at that very hour she began to give thanks to God and to speak of him to all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem.” – Luke 2:38

The shepherds’ response to Jesus’ birth sets an example for us all. They didn’t keep the news to themselves but shared their experience with others, spreading the joy and wonder of the nativity story. Their act of sharing serves as an encouragement for us to witness and proclaim the good news of Jesus’ love and salvation to those around us.

The Power of Offering

While the shepherds didn’t bring physical gifts, their offering of praise and worship holds immense value. It signifies their recognition of Jesus’ divine nature and His role as the long-awaited Messiah. They understood that the birth of Jesus marked a transformative moment in history, and their act of worship was an expression of reverence and honor.

Just as the shepherds offered their devotion, we are also called to offer our praise and worship to Jesus. In doing so, we acknowledge His presence in our lives and invite His love and grace to transform us from within. The shepherds’ gift teaches us that true worship is not about external offerings but about the sincerity and purity of our hearts.

As we celebrate Christmas and reflect on the shepherds’ act of worship, let us remember that our praise and worship can be a precious gift that we offer to Jesus. In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, may we take a moment to recognize the true significance of Christmas and joyfully offer our adoration and gratitude to the Savior who came to redeem us all.

The Symbolism of the Shepherds’ Visit

The visit of the shepherds to Jesus in the nativity story holds great symbolism. It represents the faith and adoration of ordinary people towards Jesus, showcasing the profound spiritual significance of their encounter. The shepherds, who were often overlooked and marginalized in society, were chosen by God to witness and honor the birth of His son, Jesus.

“Then an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.'”

The shepherds’ visit is a powerful symbol of inclusivity and demonstrates that anyone, regardless of their societal status, can approach Jesus with love and devotion. It serves as a reminder that faith is not limited to the privileged or influential but extends to all, emphasizing God’s love for humanity as a whole.

The shepherds’ role in the nativity story highlights the transformative power of faith, showing that even those who are considered insignificant in worldly terms can experience profound encounters with the divine. Their visit also signifies the humble conditions in which Jesus entered the world, reinforcing the theme of God’s choice to reveal His son to ordinary, everyday people.

The shepherds’ visit serves as a poignant reminder that faith, adoration, and love are at the heart of the nativity story and the Christmas season as a whole.

The Symbolism of Shepherds in the Bible

In the Bible, the role of shepherds is frequently associated with themes of guidance, protection, and care. Throughout the Old Testament, God is often depicted as a shepherd, and the imagery of shepherding is extended to reflect divine guidance and care for His people.

Shepherds were responsible for tending to their flocks, ensuring their well-being, leading them to green pastures, and protecting them from danger. The inclusion of shepherds in the nativity story symbolizes Jesus’ role as the Good Shepherd, who guides and protects His followers.

The shepherds’ visit adds depth and richness to the nativity story, emphasizing the importance of faith, adoration, and humility in approaching Jesus, the Savior, and King.

symbolism of shepherds

Symbolism of the Shepherds’ Visit Explanation
Faith The shepherds’ visit represents unwavering faith in God’s promises and trust in His divine plan.
Adoration The shepherds’ adoration of Jesus demonstrates reverence and worship towards the Messiah, recognizing His divine nature.
Inclusivity The shepherds’ presence highlights God’s inclusion of all people, regardless of social status or background, in His redemptive plan.
Humility By choosing lowly shepherds as witnesses to Jesus’ birth, God emphasizes the importance of humility in approaching Him.
Divine Selection God’s choice to reveal the birth of His Son to shepherds symbolizes His sovereign grace and the accessibility of His love and salvation.

The Prophetic Nature of the Wise Men’s Gifts

While the shepherds did not bring physical gifts, the Wise Men (Magi) brought gold, frankincense, and myrrh. These gifts were prophetic in nature, representing different aspects of Jesus’ life and mission.

The first gift, gold, symbolized His kingship. It signified Jesus’ authority and reign as the promised Messiah. Gold has always been associated with wealth, power, and royalty, highlighting Jesus’ divinity and sovereignty.

The second gift, frankincense, represented His holiness. In biblical times, frankincense was used in religious ceremonies, symbolizing worship and offering. By presenting frankincense to Jesus, the Wise Men acknowledged His divine nature and the need for humanity to revere and adore Him.

The third gift, myrrh, foreshadowed His sacrificial death. Myrrh was often used in burial practices as an embalming spice, signifying death and mourning. The gift of myrrh reminded of the future sacrifice Jesus would make for the redemption of humanity, emphasizing His role as the Savior of the world.

Together, these prophetic gifts from the Wise Men conveyed the significance of Jesus’ birth and mission. They affirmed His kingship, holiness, and sacrificial purpose, foreshadowing the life, death, and resurrection that would fulfill the prophecies of the Old Testament.

The Response of the Shepherds

After encountering Jesus, the shepherds were filled with joy and excitement. They eagerly shared their experience with others, spreading the news of Jesus’ birth and the message of salvation. Their response serves as an example of how we can share our own encounters with Jesus and become witnesses for His love and grace.

The Birth of Jesus as the Best Gift

The birth of Jesus is the ultimate gift to humanity. He came into the world to offer us peace, love, joy, and salvation. As we celebrate Christmas, it is important to remember that Jesus is the best gift we could ever receive. His presence in our lives brings meaning and fulfillment beyond any material presents.

Jesus’ birth is a reminder of the extraordinary love that God has for humanity. It is a testament to His desire to reconcile us with Him and provide us with eternal life. The story of Jesus’ birth teaches us about sacrifice, humility, and the power of God’s grace.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16

During the Christmas season, as we exchange gifts with loved ones, it is essential to reflect on the true meaning of this celebration. While the excitement of unwrapping presents can bring temporary joy, the gift of Jesus offers lasting and eternal fulfillment.

Jesus’ birth signifies hope in a world filled with darkness. It is a reminder that no matter how difficult life may seem, there is always a source of light and salvation. His coming brings peace to our troubled hearts and gives us strength to face the challenges of life.

As we gather with family and friends to celebrate Christmas, let us remember the significance of the birth of Jesus. Let us cherish the gift of His love, and strive to emulate His teachings of compassion, forgiveness, and selflessness.

Jesus: The Perfect Example of Love and Grace

Jesus’ time on earth was marked by His unwavering love and grace towards all people. His teachings emphasized the importance of love for one another and the selfless act of giving. He selflessly gave His life as the greatest sacrifice, demonstrating the depth of God’s love for humanity.

“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” – John 15:13

Through His birth, Jesus brought light into a world shrouded in darkness. He taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves and to extend kindness, forgiveness, and understanding to those around us. His birth is a call for unity, compassion, and the pursuit of justice.

During the Christmas season, let us take a moment to reflect on the immense gift of Jesus’ birth. As we exchange presents, let us also remember to share the love and grace of Jesus with others. By doing so, we can truly honor the best gift ever given to humanity.

The True Spirit of Christmas

The true spirit of Christmas lies in the celebration of Jesus’ birth. It is a time to rejoice in the incredible love that God has shown us through His Son. As we come together with our loved ones, let us focus on the joy, peace, and hope that Jesus brings.

While exchanging gifts is a beautiful tradition, let us not lose sight of the reason for our celebration. Let us remember that the best gift of all is Jesus Himself, the Savior who came to redeem us and offer us eternal life.

As we gather around the Christmas tree and sing carols, let us also take time to reflect on the profound meaning of Jesus’ birth. It is a time to be grateful for the gift of salvation and to share the good news with others.

May the birth of Jesus fill our hearts with love, joy, and gratitude. May His presence be evident in our lives as we seek to follow His example and share His love with the world.

Jesus birth


The visit of the shepherds to Jesus in the nativity scene serves as a powerful reminder of the true meaning of Christmas. While they did not bring physical gifts, their offering of praise and worship represents the deeper essence of this holiday season. It teaches us that the greatest gift we can give to Jesus is not material possessions, but our hearts filled with love, faith, and adoration.

The shepherds, who were considered lowly and marginalized, were chosen by God to witness and honor the birth of His son. Their inclusion in the nativity story highlights God’s love for all people, regardless of their social status. It shows that Jesus came to bring salvation and joy to everyone, offering hope and redemption to the humble and the ordinary.

As we celebrate Christmas, let us remember the shepherds’ example and strive to cultivate a relationship with Jesus that is built on sincere love and devotion. Let us offer our hearts as the most precious gift, embracing the true meaning of this season. May our faith and adoration for Jesus shine brightly, illuminating the world with the message of His love, peace, and goodwill to all.


What gifts did the shepherds bring to Jesus?

The shepherds did not bring physical gifts to Jesus. Instead, they offered the gift of love and devotion, expressing their praise and worship. Their gift was one of faith and gratitude for the birth of the Messiah.

What is the role of shepherds in the nativity scene?

The shepherds play a significant role in the Christmas story and the nativity scene. They were the first to receive the announcement of Jesus’ birth from the angels. Their presence symbolizes humility and highlights God’s love for all people, regardless of their social status.

What is the significance of shepherds in biblical Israel?

In biblical Israel, shepherds lived a humble and lowly lifestyle. The inclusion of shepherds in the story of Jesus’ birth reflects their role as caretakers and the humble conditions in which Jesus entered the world. It also symbolizes God’s choice to reveal His son to ordinary, everyday people.

How did the shepherds receive the announcement of Jesus’ birth?

The shepherds received the announcement of Jesus’ birth directly from the angels. An angel appeared to them, proclaiming the good news and revealing that a Savior had been born in Bethlehem. The shepherds were initially terrified but soon realized the significance of the message.

What happened when the shepherds went to Bethlehem?

After receiving the news, the shepherds decided to go and see the baby Jesus in Bethlehem. They hurried to find Mary and Joseph and found Jesus lying in a manger, just as the angels had told them. The shepherds were filled with awe and wonder at the sight and shared their experience with others.

What gifts did the shepherds bring to Jesus?

While the shepherds did not bring physical gifts, they offered something equally valuable. They came to Jesus with their praise and worship, expressing their adoration and gratitude for the birth of the Messiah. Their gift was one of faith and devotion, acknowledging Jesus as the Savior and King.

What is the symbolism of the shepherds’ visit?

The visit of the shepherds to Jesus represents the faith and adoration of ordinary people towards Jesus. It demonstrates that anyone, regardless of societal status, can approach Jesus with love and devotion. The shepherds teach us that the greatest gift we can give to Jesus is our hearts filled with love and devotion.

What is the prophetic nature of the wise men’s gifts?

The wise men (Magi) brought gold, frankincense, and myrrh as gifts. These gifts were prophetic in nature, representing different aspects of Jesus’ life and mission. Gold symbolized His kingship, frankincense represented His holiness, and myrrh foreshadowed His sacrificial death.

How did the shepherds respond to encountering Jesus?

After encountering Jesus, the shepherds were filled with joy and excitement. They eagerly shared their experience with others, spreading the news of Jesus’ birth and the message of salvation. Their response serves as an example of how we can share our own encounters with Jesus and become witnesses for His love and grace.

What is the best gift of Jesus’ birth?

The birth of Jesus is the ultimate gift to humanity. He came to offer us peace, love, joy, and salvation. As we celebrate Christmas, it is important to remember that Jesus is the best gift we could ever receive. His presence in our lives brings meaning and fulfillment beyond any material presents.

What does the shepherds’ visit to Jesus remind us of?

The shepherds’ visit to Jesus in the nativity scene reminds us of the importance of faith, love, and adoration in our relationship with Jesus. Their offering of praise and worship represents the deeper meaning of Christmas. The shepherds teach us that the greatest gift we can give to Jesus is our hearts filled with love and devotion.

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