What Does Unction Mean in The Bible?

Unction, derived from the Latin word “unctio,” refers to the act of anointing as a rite of consecration or healing. It can also refer to an ointment or unguent used for anointing purposes. In a religious or spiritual context, unction represents fervor and the expression of such fervor. It is a concept that holds significance in Christianity, shaping the faith of believers. Unction is associated with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, which adds a spiritual power to a sermon or message that cannot be generated by human skills alone. It is believed that the Holy Spirit’s unction permeates the whole being of a Christian, shaping their character and providing powers of discernment in distinguishing truth from error.

Key Takeaways:

  • Unction refers to the act of anointing as a rite of consecration or healing.
  • In Christianity, unction represents fervor and holds spiritual significance.
  • The anointing of the Holy Spirit adds power to sermons and messages.
  • Unction shapes the character of believers and provides discernment.
  • The concept of unction can be found throughout the Bible.

The Role of Unction in Christian Preaching

Holy Spirit anointing

In Christian preaching, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, commonly known as unction, holds a significant role. It is this anointing that adds a sense of holy power and effectiveness to the sermon, transforming the delivery of preachers and making their words impactful and convicting. The unction of the Holy Spirit is not limited to preachers alone; it has the potential to be experienced by the entire congregation when they are responsive to the leading of the Spirit.

The power of unction lies in its ability to go beyond human skill and eloquence, infusing the message with divine authority and conviction. When a preacher is anointed by the Holy Spirit, their words carry a weight and influence that cannot be achieved through mere human effort. The anointing enables the preacher to speak with clarity, passion, and spiritual discernment, allowing them to effectively communicate the truths of the Gospel and inspire transformation in the hearts of the listeners.

Furthermore, the unction of the Holy Spirit bestows upon believers the gift of discernment. This gift enables them to distinguish between truth and error when confronted with different teachings or messages. It empowers Christians to critically evaluate the content of sermons and teachings, ensuring that they align with the Word of God. The discernment provided by the Holy Spirit’s unction guides believers in their spiritual growth and protects them from false teachings, allowing them to grow in their knowledge and understanding of God’s truth.

Christian preaching, when infused with the unction of the Holy Spirit, becomes a powerful tool for spreading the message of Christ and bringing about spiritual transformation. Through the anointing, preachers are able to proclaim the Word of God with clarity, conviction, and divine authority, leading individuals to encounter God’s love, grace, and truth.

Examples of Anointed Preaching

Throughout history, there have been numerous examples of anointed preaching that have left a lasting impact on individuals and communities. From the fiery sermons of the early church fathers to the powerful messages of modern-day evangelists, the unction of the Holy Spirit has played a crucial role in the proclamation of the Gospel.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.” – Romans 1:16

One such example is the preaching of the Apostle Paul. His letters, filled with divine inspiration and anointing, continue to shape the beliefs and practices of Christians worldwide. Paul’s words carried the authority of the Holy Spirit, convicting hearts, and bringing about both personal and societal transformation.

Another example is the sermons of revivalists such as Charles Finney and Billy Graham. Through the power of the Holy Spirit’s unction, their messages reached far beyond the physical realm, penetrating the depths of human hearts and stirring individuals to respond to the call of salvation.

Preacher Time Period Impact
Charles Finney 19th century Revival and conversion of thousands
Billy Graham 20th century Millions reached with the Gospel message

The Biblical Basis for Unction

In the Bible, there are numerous examples that support the concept of unction and its importance in conveying a powerful message. One such example is found in the life of Moses. When Moses presented the choice between life and death to the Israelites, his words carried a profound significance (Deuteronomy 30:19). This biblical account highlights the impact of anointed preaching, where the message delivered becomes a pivotal turning point for the listeners.

Another biblical example that showcases the significance of unction is seen in the life of Joshua. In Joshua 24:15, Joshua proclaims devotion to the Lord, guiding the people towards a decisive moment of commitment. The anointing upon Joshua’s words creates a sense of awe and reverence, leading the people to choose the path of righteousness. This demonstrates the transformative power of anointed preaching, where the message delivered can shape the direction of individuals and communities.

Through these biblical examples, it becomes evident that anointing and unction play an essential role in delivering a powerful and impactful message. When a preacher is anointed by the Holy Spirit, their words become purified, enabling them to effectively communicate the message of Christ and the Word of God. This anointing goes beyond human skills and abilities, infusing the sermon with divine power and discernment. It is through the Holy Spirit’s unction that the preacher can effectively convey the truth and inspire transformation in the lives of the listeners.

In conclusion, the biblical basis for unction is firmly established through the examples of Moses and Joshua. These leaders‘ anointed messages became turning points for the people, leading them towards a deeper commitment to God. The concept of unction in preaching Christ and preaching the Word is a powerful and transformative tool that continues to shape the faith of believers today.


What is the meaning of unction in the Bible?

unction, derived from the Latin word “unctio,” refers to the act of anointing as a rite of consecration or healing. It can also refer to an ointment or unguent used for anointing purposes.

How does unction play a role in Christian preaching?

In Christian preaching, unction is the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon a sermon that adds a sense of holy power and effectiveness to the message. Preachers who are anointed by the Holy Spirit experience a transformation in their delivery, with their words becoming powerful and impactful.

Who experiences unction in Christian preaching?

The anointing of the Holy Spirit is not limited to preachers alone. The entire congregation can also experience unction when they are responsive to the Spirit’s leading.

What does the Bible say about unction?

The concept of unction can be found in several biblical examples. For example, Moses presented the choice between life and death to the Israelites, highlighting the significance of their decision (Deuteronomy 30:19). Joshua’s proclamation of devotion to the Lord serves as a turning point for the people (Joshua 24:15). The message delivered by these leaders carries a fiery intensity and invokes a sense of trembling among the listeners.

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