What Does Higgaion Selah Mean in The Bible?

Higgaion Selah, two intriguing words found in the Old Testament, particularly in psalms, have long puzzled scholars and readers alike. These words carry a sense of mystery, as their exact meaning remains uncertain. However, they hold significant importance in biblical interpretation, providing insights into the themes of meditation, reflection, and pause.

When encountering Higgaion Selah while studying the psalms, one may wonder about their deeper connotations and the messages they convey. These words are often associated with concepts such as instrumental interlude, soliloquy, meditation, and pause. Higgaion, believed to be a resonating sound akin to the murmuring of a harp, suggests a deep and contemplative state. Selah, on the other hand, is translated as “division” and is commonly used in psalms to indicate a moment of reflection or a pause.

Comprehending the true significance of Higgaion Selah requires a contextual understanding. The interpretation varies depending on the specific psalm and its themes. These words appear together in Psalms 9:16 and are also found in other psalms such as 19:14, 42:3, and Lamentations 3:63. They serve as prompts to pause, meditate, and delve into the messages conveyed in the scriptures.

Key Takeaways:

  • Higgaion Selah are words found in the Old Testament, particularly in psalms.
  • Their exact meaning is uncertain but is associated with concepts such as instrumental interlude, soliloquy, meditation, and pause.
  • Higgaion is believed to be a resonating sound, similar to the murmuring of a harp, while Selah signifies a moment of reflection or a pause.
  • The combination of Higgaion Selah in psalms suggests a call to pause, meditate, and contemplate the themes of God’s judgment and faithfulness.
  • Understanding the significance of Higgaion Selah requires a contextual analysis of the specific psalm in question.

The Usage of Higgaion Selah in the Bible

Higgaion and Selah are words that frequently appear together in the Bible, specifically in the book of Psalms. These words have been the subject of much debate and interpretation among biblical scholars and theologians. When examining their usage in the context of psalms, it becomes clear that Higgaion and Selah serve distinct purposes in conveying the intended message and engaging the reader or listener.

In Psalm 9:16, Higgaion Selah is used to emphasize the importance of reflecting on God’s judgment and justice. This combination suggests a call to pause and deeply consider the consequences of our actions. In other psalms such as Psalm 19:14, 42:3, and Lamentations 3:63, Higgaion Selah is used as a musical interlude or a momentary pause for the congregation to reflect on the themes presented in the psalm.

Examples of Higgaion Selah in Psalms:

“I will praise the LORD according to His righteousness, And will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High.” – Psalm 7:17

“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.” – Psalm 19:14

“My tears have been my food day and night, While they continually say to me, ‘Where is your God?'” – Psalm 42:3

From these examples, it is evident that Higgaion Selah is used to create a rhythmic pause or an introspective moment within the psalms. It provides an opportunity for individuals to engage in personal reflection and connect with the themes of the psalm on a deeper level.

Overall, the usage of Higgaion Selah in the Bible, particularly in the book of Psalms, highlights the importance of pause, reflection, and contemplation in our spiritual journeys. It serves as a reminder to take time to meditate on God’s word, His judgment, and His faithfulness. By embracing these moments of pause and introspection, we can gain a richer understanding of the biblical texts and apply their teachings to our lives.

Psalms Usage of Higgaion Selah
Psalm 9:16 To reflect on God’s judgment
Psalm 19:14 To pause and reflect on the words of the psalm
Psalm 42:3 To question the presence of God and find solace

The Significance of Higgaion Selah in Biblical Interpretation

The meaning and significance of Higgaion Selah in biblical interpretation have long been the subject of scholarly discussion. While there is no definitive answer, various insights shed light on their potential significance. Some scholars propose that these words function as musical cues or notations, signaling moments for reflection and devotion.

Others emphasize the importance of meditating on God’s word and the themes presented in the psalms. Higgaion Selah can be understood as a call to pause, contemplate, and internalize the messages conveyed in the scriptures. Through intentional reflection, individuals can deepen their understanding of God’s judgment, faithfulness, and the human experience.

By incorporating Higgaion Selah into the psalms, the writers invite readers to engage in a focused and intentional study of God’s word. This practice of meditating on the scriptures allows for a deeper connection with the divine and a greater comprehension of the truths embedded within the text.

In summary, while the exact significance of Higgaion Selah may remain elusive, it serves as a reminder to pause and reflect on the profound themes woven throughout the biblical text. Whether these words function as musical cues or prompts for meditation, they invite readers to delve deeper into the rich tapestry of God’s word and discover its timeless wisdom.


What does the term Higgaion Selah mean in the Bible?

The exact meaning of Higgaion Selah is uncertain, but these words are often associated with concepts such as instrumental interlude, soliloquy, meditation, and pause. Higgaion is thought to be a deep vibrating sound, similar to the murmuring sound of a harp. Selah is translated as “division” and is often used in psalms to signify a pause or a moment of reflection. The exact significance of Higgaion Selah depends on the specific context in which they are used.

How is Higgaion Selah used in the Bible?

Higgaion and Selah occur together in certain psalms, such as Psalm 9:16, 19:14, 42:3, and Lamentations 3:63. Higgaion is associated with meditating on the judgment, words, and work of God, while Selah is often used as a musical interlude or a pause for reflection. In some instances, Selah is connected to worship and lifting up of voices. The combination of Higgaion Selah suggests a call to pause, meditate, and contemplate the themes of God’s judgment and faithfulness.

What is the significance of Higgaion Selah in biblical interpretation?

The exact significance of Higgaion Selah in biblical interpretation is subject to debate among scholars. Some suggest that these words serve as musical cues or notations, indicating moments for reflection and devotion. Others emphasize the importance of meditating on God’s word and the themes present in the psalms. Higgaion Selah can be seen as a reminder to pause, contemplate, and internalize the messages conveyed in the scriptures. By engaging in meditation and reflection, individuals can deepen their understanding of God’s judgment, faithfulness, and the human experience.

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