What Does Extol Mean in The Bible?

In the Bible, the word “extol” holds significant meaning, often used to describe the act of praising and glorifying God. It encompasses the idea of elevating, exalting, and lifting up the Lord with utmost admiration and honor. Extolling God is not only a commandment in the Bible but also a way to declare His superiority and magnify His name.

Key Takeaways:

  • Extol means to praise highly and glorify God in the Bible.
  • It is an act of worship and a way to declare God’s greatness.
  • Extolling the Lord involves expressing admiration for His attributes and works.
  • Extolling God is important for aligning our hearts and minds with His divine presence.
  • There are various ways to practice extolling the Lord in our daily lives.

Why is Extolling the Lord Important in the Bible?

Extolling the Lord holds great significance in the Bible. It is a way to honor and glorify God, acknowledging His supreme authority and power. When we extol the Lord, we are declaring His greatness and lifting Him up above everything else in our lives. Extolling God in praise and worship is a form of devotion and reverence, aligning our hearts and minds with His divine presence. The act of extolling allows us to magnify God, bringing His glory down on us and creating a deep sense of joy and gratitude.

“Praise the LORD! For it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant, and a song of praise is fitting.” – Psalm 147:1

The Bible teaches us the importance of worship and praise as a means of expressing our love and gratitude towards God. By extolling the Lord, we are reminded of His goodness, faithfulness, and unfailing love. It strengthens our relationship with Him and deepens our trust in His plans and purposes for our lives. In times of difficulty and trials, extolling the Lord reminds us of His sovereignty and the hope we have in Him.

The Power of Magnifying God

When we extol the Lord, we magnify His name and His attributes. By focusing on His greatness and faithfulness, we shift our attention away from our own problems and circumstances. Magnifying God doesn’t mean making Him physically bigger, but rather recognizing and proclaiming His significance and impact in our lives. As we magnify God, we begin to see Him more clearly, and our perspective is transformed. We gain a deeper understanding of His character, His love for us, and His promises.

Benefits of Extolling the Lord Scriptural References
Strengthens our faith 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Brings joy and peace Psalms 16:11
Invites God’s presence Psalms 22:3
Renews our mind and spirit Romans 12:2
Strengthens our relationship with God James 4:8

Extolling the Lord is not limited to formal worship services or specific rituals. It is a continuous practice that can be incorporated into our everyday lives. By intentionally praising God in our thoughts, words, and actions, we cultivate a heart of gratitude and a spirit of worship. Whether through prayer, singing, or acts of service, extolling the Lord allows us to experience His presence, find strength in Him, and live a life filled with His peace and joy.

importance of extolling

How Can We Practice Extolling the Lord in Our Lives?

There are various ways to incorporate the practice of extolling the Lord into our daily lives. One of the simplest ways is through praising His name. By verbally expressing our adoration and gratitude to God, we can uplift our spirits and strengthen our connection with Him. Additionally, singing songs of worship that exalt His attributes can be a powerful way to magnify the greatness of God. Whether it is through contemporary worship music or traditional hymns, the act of singing can help us focus our hearts and minds on His majesty.

Another way to practice extolling the Lord is through meditation. Taking the time to reflect on His goodness, righteousness, love, and faithfulness allows us to deepen our understanding of His character. By intentionally declaring these attributes back to Him, we acknowledge His greatness and honor His presence in our lives.

Furthermore, our actions can serve as a form of extolling God. Obeying His commandments and living in accordance with His teachings demonstrates our admiration and reverence for Him. Additionally, serving others in His name showcases His love and compassion, further magnifying His impact in the world.

Lastly, keeping a journal of praises can be a practical way to incorporate daily extolling. By documenting specific instances where God has displayed His greatness in our lives, we create a tangible record of His faithfulness. This journal not only serves as a reminder of His power but also encourages a grateful and worshipful heart.


What is the biblical definition of “extol”?

In the Bible, the word “extol” is used to mean praising and glorifying God. It means to praise highly, to lift up, to elevate, or to exalt. Extolling the Lord is a commandment in the Bible and involves expressing admiration and honor for God’s greatness, attributes, and works.

Why is extolling the Lord important in the Bible?

Extolling the Lord holds great significance in the Bible. It is a way to honor and glorify God, acknowledging His supreme authority and power. When we extol the Lord, we declare His greatness and lift Him up above everything else in our lives. Extolling God in praise and worship is a form of devotion and reverence, aligning our hearts and minds with His divine presence. It allows us to magnify God, bringing His glory down on us and creating a deep sense of joy and gratitude.

How can we practice extolling the Lord in our lives?

There are numerous ways to practice extolling the Lord in our daily lives. We can begin by praising His name and speaking words of adoration and thanksgiving. Singing songs of worship and using psalms or hymns that exalt His attributes can also be effective in extolling God. Meditating on His goodness, righteousness, love, and faithfulness and declaring these attributes back to Him is another way to extol the Lord. Actions that reflect our admiration for God, such as obeying His commandments and serving others in His name, can also be a form of extolling God. Keeping a journal of praises, writing down specific ways that God has shown His greatness in our lives, can also help in practicing daily extolling.

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