What a Friend We Have in Jesus Sermon?

When it comes to finding true friendship and companionship, there is no one quite like Jesus. In this sermon, we delve into the depth of the friendship we can have with Christ and explore the privilege of carrying everything to God in prayer. Through this sermon, you will discover the peace and comfort that comes from having Jesus as a friend and learn how to strengthen your friendship with Him.

Key Takeaways:

  • Jesus is an extraordinary, exasperating, irritating, and challenging friend.
  • The hymn “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” was written by Joseph Medlicott Scriven.
  • Jesus can be both a friend and a king, and His friendship magnifies His glory.
  • Practical ways to cultivate a closer friendship with Christ include expanding our understanding of Jesus as a friend, engaging in communion through prayer and reading God’s word, and proving our friendship through obedience.
  • Examples of friendship in the Bible, such as David and Jonathan, can inform our understanding of friendship with Jesus.

The Friend We Have in Jesus

In this section, we delve into the extraordinary friendship we have in Jesus. Jesus is not just a friend, but an exasperating, irritating, and challenging one. His friendship is unlike any other, characterized by unconditional love, unwavering support, and constant presence.

Jesus, as a friend, exemplifies qualities that make Him both relatable and divine. He understands our struggles, listens to our prayers, and extends His grace and mercy in times of need. His friendship is not limited by distance or time; He is always there for us, ready to offer comfort, guidance, and forgiveness.

Reflecting on the state of our friendship with Jesus is crucial. Are we actively cultivating our relationship with Him? Do we seek His companionship in our daily lives? It is through a deep and intimate friendship with Jesus that we experience true joy, peace, and fulfillment.

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” – Proverbs 17:17

The Bible provides us with numerous examples of friendship, but Jesus stands apart as the ultimate friend. He laid down His life for us, demonstrating the depth of His love and commitment. Through His sacrificial act, He made a way for us to have a personal relationship with God.

“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” – John 15:13

Cultivating a strong friendship with Jesus requires intentional effort. We can deepen our friendship by spending time in prayer, meditating on His word, and surrendering our lives to His will. As we grow closer to Him, we experience His transforming power and witness the blessings that come from a genuine friendship with the Son of God.

The Unique Characteristics of Jesus’ Friendship

Jesus’ friendship is marked by several unique characteristics:

  • Unconditional Love: Jesus loves us regardless of our flaws, mistakes, or shortcomings. His love is unwavering and unchanging.
  • Guidance and Wisdom: Jesus offers guidance and wisdom to navigate life’s challenges. He provides direction and clarity in times of confusion.
  • Comfort and Support: Jesus is our constant source of comfort and support. He is there to lift us up during difficult times and lend a listening ear.
  • Forgiveness and Redemption: Jesus extends His forgiveness and offers redemption for our sins. He heals our wounds and restores our relationship with God.
  • Eternal Presence: Jesus promises to be with us always, even until the end of the age. His presence brings assurance and security.

The Story Behind the Hymn

The hymn “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” holds a deep meaning within its heartfelt lyrics, but its origins are equally as poignant. The hymn was written by Joseph Medlicott Scriven, an Irish immigrant who faced personal tragedies and hardship throughout his life.

As a young man, Scriven experienced the loss of his fiancée shortly before their wedding day. This devastating event led to a period of deep sorrow and reflection for him. Overcoming his own grief, Scriven devoted himself to helping others in need, seeking solace in acts of kindness.

“What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear.”

It was during this time that Scriven’s beloved mother fell ill. To comfort her, he penned a poem that would later become the inspiring hymn we know today. With its heartfelt expression of trust, the hymn encapsulated Scriven’s belief in the unwavering friendship and support that Jesus offers even in the face of adversity.

“Oh, what peace we often forfeit, oh, what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.”

Scriven’s own experiences of loss and his deep devotion to others influenced the compassionate and relatable lyrics of “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” From his personal hardships, he found solace in knowing that Jesus is the ultimate friend who understands all our burdens and sorrows.

Through the hymn, Scriven reminds believers of the incredible privilege it is to share everything with God in prayer and the comfort and peace that comes from entrusting our cares to Him.

What a friend we have in Jesus hymn

The Impact of “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”

The hymn “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” has resonated with individuals across the world and has remained a beloved and cherished hymn for generations. Its timeless lyrics continue to offer solace, encouragement, and a reminder of the unwavering friendship found in Jesus.

Jesus as Friend and King

In the sermon, there is a common misconception that viewing Jesus as a friend diminishes His authority as a king. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Jesus can be both a friend and a king, and His friendship actually magnifies His glory and authority.

While Jesus possesses all the power and authority of a king, He also desires a personal and intimate relationship with His followers. The Bible tells us that Jesus is not only the King of Kings but also the ultimate example of friendship.

“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” – John 15:13

This verse highlights the sacrificial love that Jesus demonstrated by willingly laying down His life for His friends. It shows that Jesus’ friendship is not in conflict with His kingship but rather serves as a testament to His extraordinary love and compassion.

Jesus as a friend provides us with comfort, guidance, and support in our daily lives. He understands our struggles, empathizes with our weaknesses, and offers us genuine companionship. At the same time, Jesus as a king commands our respect, obedience, and submission.

By viewing Jesus as both a friend and a king, we can experience the fullness of His love and authority in our lives. We can enjoy the closeness and companionship He offers as a friend, while also recognizing His rightful place as our ruler and sovereign. This dual perspective enriches our understanding of Jesus’ character and allows us to fully appreciate His multifaceted role in our lives.

Scriptural Support

The Bible provides numerous examples of Jesus’ friendship and kingship. One such example is found in the Gospel of Luke when Jesus declares Himself as both a friend and a king:

“You are those who have stood by me in my trials. And I confer on you a kingdom, just as my Father conferred one on me.” – Luke 22:28-29

This passage illustrates Jesus’ acknowledgment of His disciples‘ friendship and also highlights His authority as a king. It shows that Jesus embraces His followers as friends while simultaneously bestowing upon them the privilege of entering into His kingdom.

Cultivating Friendship with Christ

Building a deep and meaningful friendship with Christ is a rewarding and transformative journey. To cultivate this friendship, it is essential to expand our understanding of Jesus as a friend and engage in communion with Him through prayer and reading God’s word. By proving our friendship through obedience to His commands, we demonstrate our love and loyalty.

Expanding Our Understanding

Friendship with Christ goes beyond a casual acquaintance. It involves truly knowing Him and acknowledging His divine love. Take the time to study the life and teachings of Jesus, exploring the depths of His character and the richness of His relationship with His disciples. Through a deeper understanding, we can develop a more profound and authentic friendship with Him.

Engaging in Communion

Friendship flourishes through constant communication. Just as we talk and share with our earthly friends, we must engage in heartfelt conversations with Jesus through prayer. Share your joys, sorrows, hopes, and fears with Him. Seek His guidance, wisdom, and comfort in every aspect of your life. Additionally, develop a habit of reading God’s word, for it is through Scripture that we learn more about Jesus and His teachings.

Proving Our Friendship

A true friendship is demonstrated through actions. In our relationship with Christ, this means obeying His commands. Jesus Himself said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15, ESV). As we align our lives with His teachings, we honor and show our love for Him. Obedience becomes an expression of our friendship and a testament to the depth of our devotion.

“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13, NIV). In cultivating friendship with Christ, we discover that His love for us surpasses any human love. Let us cherish and value this extraordinary friendship, for in it we find everlasting joy and peace.

Practical Ways to Cultivate Friendship with Christ
Expand your understanding of Jesus as a friend through study and reflection
Engage in heartfelt conversations with Jesus through prayer
Develop a consistent habit of reading and pondering God’s word
Show your love and devotion through obedience to His commands

Friendship in the Bible

The Bible provides us with examples of deep and meaningful friendships that can serve as a guide for our own relationships. One such example is the friendship between David and Jonathan.

David, who would later become the king of Israel, and Jonathan, the son of King Saul, shared a bond that went beyond mere acquaintanceship. Their friendship was characterized by mutual love, loyalty, and support. They stood by each other in times of joy and in times of trouble, offering unwavering support and encouragement.

David and Jonathan’s friendship is best exemplified in 1 Samuel 18:1, where it says, “The soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.” This verse beautifully captures the depth of their connection and the genuine affection they had for each other.

This biblical friendship serves as a reminder of the qualities that should define our own friendships, especially our friendship with Jesus. Just as David and Jonathan demonstrated love, loyalty, and support for one another, we can strive to cultivate similar qualities in our relationship with Jesus.

By studying the examples of friendship found in the Bible, we gain insights into how to build and nurture our friendships, both with others and with Jesus. These examples remind us of the importance of love, commitment, and selflessness in our relationships.

The Qualities of Friendship in the Bible

When we look at the examples of friendship in the Bible, we see a few key qualities that are consistently present:

  • Love: Biblical friendships are characterized by genuine love and care for one another. This love goes beyond superficial affection and involves a deep concern for the well-being of the other person.
  • Loyalty: Friends in the Bible exhibit unwavering loyalty, standing by each other through thick and thin. They remain faithful and dependable, even in the face of challenges or opposition.
  • Support: Biblical friendships provide support and encouragement to one another. Friends lift each other up, offering a shoulder to lean on and a listening ear in times of need.

These qualities give us a framework for evaluating our own friendships and for deepening our friendship with Jesus.

Friendship in the Bible

The image above illustrates the essence of friendship in the Bible, capturing the genuine love, loyalty, and support found in these relationships. It reminds us of the beauty and value of cultivating meaningful friendships in our own lives.

Striving for Friendship with Jesus

As we explore the biblical examples of friendship, we are inspired to strive for a deeper friendship with Jesus. We can learn from the qualities displayed in these friendships and apply them to our relationship with Him.

Just as David and Jonathan loved and supported each other, we can love and support Jesus by obeying His teachings and following His example. We can cultivate a relationship with Him through prayer, studying His word, and seeking intimacy with Him.

Friendship Qualities Examples in the Bible
Love David and Jonathan (1 Samuel 18:1)
Loyalty Ruth and Naomi (Ruth 1:16-17)
Support Paul and Timothy (Philippians 2:19-22)

The table above highlights a few examples of friendship qualities found in the Bible. As we strive to emulate these qualities, we deepen our friendship with Jesus and experience the joy and fulfillment that come from knowing Him intimately.

The Sacrificial Love of Jesus

The sermon delves into the profound concept of sacrificial love demonstrated by Jesus. It highlights the selfless act of Jesus laying down His life for His friends, showcasing the depth and extent of His love. Jesus’s love surpasses any other form of love, reaching beyond human comprehension.

This sacrificial love is not mere self-denial, but an affection-filled sacrifice driven by an immense desire to save and reconcile humanity with God. It is a love that extends to all people, regardless of their flaws or shortcomings.

“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” – John 15:13 (NIV)

Understanding and appreciating Jesus’s sacrificial love is paramount for believers. The sermon encourages individuals to reciprocate this love by living in obedience to His commands, which manifest in acts of love, compassion, forgiveness, and service.

This sacrificial love serves as a beacon of hope, revealing the depth of Jesus’s character and His unending commitment to humanity. It invites believers to bask in the overwhelming love of Jesus, finding solace, redemption, and a transformed life through this extraordinary act of sacrifice.

Key Takeaways:

  1. The sacrificial love of Jesus exceeds all other forms of love.
  2. Jesus laid down His life for His friends.
  3. Understanding Jesus’s sacrificial love is crucial for believers.
  4. Reciprocating His love involves living in obedience to His commands.

Significance of Jesus’s Sacrificial Love in Biblical Teachings:

The sacrificial love of Jesus is a recurring theme in the Bible, demonstrating the divine nature of His character and the magnitude of His love for humanity. It is prominently showcased in passages such as:

  1. John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (NIV)
  2. Romans 5:8 – “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (NIV)
  3. 1 John 4:9-10 – “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” (NIV)

These passages reaffirm the sacrificial love Jesus demonstrated through His death on the cross, underscoring the significance and transformative power of His love in the lives of believers.

The Sacrificial Love of Jesus Compared to Other Forms of Love

Forms of Love Characteristics
Agape Love (Jesus’s Love) Selfless, sacrificial, unconditional
Philia Love (Friendship Love) Reciprocal, based on shared interests and mutual trust
Eros Love (Romantic Love) Passionate, intimate, based on desire
Storge Love (Familial Love) Nurturing, protective, based on family bonds

Experiencing Friendship with Jesus

In a world where relationships are often superficial and fleeting, believers were made for a deeper connection with God. Experiencing friendship with Jesus is not just a comforting notion but a transformative reality that brings joy and satisfaction to the soul.

Knowing and experiencing the love and acceptance of our heavenly Father through our friendship with Jesus is truly remarkable. It is a friendship that goes beyond what any human relationship can offer. Jesus, the Son of God, offers a friendship that is steadfast, unconditional, and eternal.

To cultivate this friendship, believers are encouraged to prioritize their relationship with Jesus. It requires intentional effort to spend time with Him, seek His presence, and learn from His teachings. Just as any friendship requires regular communication, building a personal relationship with Jesus involves prayer, studying His Word, and listening to His guidance.

When we invest in our friendship with Jesus, we discover a companion who is always there for us, ready to listen, comfort, and guide us through life’s ups and downs. He understands our deepest struggles, fears, and aspirations, and His friendship brings us peace, strength, and hope.

“You are my friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.” – John 15:14-15

Jesus desires a genuine friendship with each one of us, and He invites us to experience the incredible love, grace, and acceptance that come with it. This friendship extends beyond earthly limits and lasts for eternity.

As believers, we have the privilege of fully embracing and cherishing this friendship with Jesus. It is through this relationship that we find true fulfillment and purpose in life. It is through this friendship that we experience the genuine love and acceptance of our heavenly Father.

So let us treasure the friendship with Jesus, nurturing it and allowing it to transform us from the inside out. Let us seek His guidance, find solace in His presence, and rely on His grace. And let us rejoice in the privilege of experiencing the depth of friendship with God through our friendship with Jesus.

Experiencing friendship with Jesus

The Privilege of Prayer

The sermon emphasizes the privilege of prayer and the importance of carrying everything to God in prayer. It highlights the peace and comfort that comes from entrusting our sins, griefs, and burdens to God. Prayer is not just a duty or a religious practice; it is a privilege granted to believers, allowing them to commune with their heavenly Father.

Carrying everything to God in prayer means bringing all aspects of our lives to Him, knowing that He is attentive and willing to listen. It is an invitation to pour out our hearts and share our deepest concerns with the One who understands and cares for us intimately. Prayer offers a sacred space for believers to connect with God, seeking His guidance, strength, and provision.

“The privilege of prayer is that we have direct access to the Creator of the universe, the One who holds all power and authority. Through prayer, we can bring our needs, desires, hopes, and fears before Him, knowing that He hears us and responds according to His perfect will.”

Prayer is a reflection of our friendship with Jesus. Just as friends share their joys and sorrows, believers can bring everything to God in prayer because of the deep bond they have with Him. Jesus Himself taught His disciples the Lord’s Prayer as a model for approaching God, demonstrating the significance of prayer in nurturing a meaningful relationship with the Father.

When we carry everything to God in prayer, we experience a profound sense of peace and release. We no longer bear the weight of our burdens alone but surrender them to the One who is able to carry them for us. This act of trust strengthens our faith and deepens our dependence on God’s grace and provision.

Prayer is a transformative practice. As we consistently bring our concerns and desires to God, we become more attuned to His voice and leading. Prayer aligns our hearts with the will of God and opens us up to receive His guidance and direction. It is a powerful tool for personal growth and spiritual intimacy.


In conclusion, the sermon highlights the profound and extraordinary friendship that believers have in Jesus. Throughout the sermon, it is emphasized that Jesus is not just a distant deity but a friend who is intimately involved in the lives of His followers.

The sermon emphasizes the depth of Jesus’ love, which knows no bounds. It highlights the privilege believers have of carrying everything to God in prayer, finding peace and comfort in the assurance that Jesus is always there to listen and provide guidance.

Furthermore, the sermon underlines the importance of cultivating a personal friendship with Christ. Just as any friendship requires time, effort, and genuine care, believers are encouraged to cherish and value their relationship with Jesus, recognizing Him as an extraordinary, exasperating, irritating, and challenging friend who never leaves their side.

In conclusion, the sermon urges believers to deepen their friendship with Jesus, experiencing His sacrificial love, and enjoying the transformative power that comes from entrusting everything to God in prayer. By cultivating this personal relationship, believers can truly experience the peace, comfort, and joy that comes from having the ultimate friend in Jesus.


Can Jesus be both a friend and a king?

Yes, Jesus can be both a friend and a king. Viewing Jesus as a friend does not diminish His authority as a king. In fact, His friendship magnifies His glory.

How can I cultivate a closer friendship with Christ?

You can cultivate a closer friendship with Christ by expanding your understanding of Him as a friend, engaging in communion with Him through prayer and reading God’s word, and proving your friendship through obedience to His commands. It is important to cherish and value your friendship with Him and reflect on the state of your friendship.

Are there examples of friendship in the Bible?

Yes, the Bible contains examples of friendship, such as the friendship between David and Jonathan. These examples display qualities of friendship such as mutual love, loyalty, and support, which can inform our understanding of friendship with Jesus.

What is the sacrificial love of Jesus?

The sacrificial love of Jesus refers to His willingness to lay down His life for His friends. His love surpasses any other form of love and is an affection-filled sacrifice. It is a demonstration of His deep affection and commitment to His friends.

How can I experience friendship with Jesus?

To experience friendship with Jesus, it is essential to cultivate a personal relationship with Him. This involves knowing and experiencing the love and acceptance of our heavenly Father. By cherishing His friendship and engaging in communion with Him, you can enjoy His friendship in your everyday life.

What is the privilege of prayer?

The privilege of prayer is the opportunity to carry everything to God in prayer. By entrusting your sins, griefs, and burdens to God, you can experience peace and comfort. Prayer is a central part of your friendship with Jesus and has the power to bring about transformation in your life.

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