Is Jesus Calling New Age?

There has been a significant spiritual debate surrounding the book Jesus Calling, written by Sarah Young. The controversy revolves around allegations that the book contains New Age content, raising concerns among some Christians.

Jesus Calling gained popularity as a Christian devotional and has sold millions of copies worldwide. However, critics argue that it promotes ideas and practices associated with the New Age movement, leading to a heated discussion within the Christian community.

Many of the concerns stem from Young’s previous endorsement of a book called God Calling, which was written using automatic writing—a practice associated with the occult. The fact that Young expressed how this book influenced her writing has sparked controversy and fueled the debate.

In response to the outcry, the publisher of Jesus Calling, Thomas Nelson, took action. They removed all references to God Calling from recent editions of the book and clarified that Jesus Calling contains Young’s own thoughts and inspirations, rather than messages directly from God.

However, the controversy continues, with some critics claiming that presenting Young’s musings as if they are divine communications is blasphemous. Others argue that the publisher’s changes are merely an attempt to avoid the controversy and maintain the book’s popularity.

In the midst of this debate, Christian author and theologian Bob DeWaay warns readers about books like Jesus Calling. He cautions that the teachings in such books can be unbiblical and align with New Age philosophies, urging believers to exercise discernment and test the spirits.

Key Takeaways:

  • The book Jesus Calling has sparked a spiritual debate within the Christian community due to its alleged New Age content.
  • There are concerns about the endorsement of God Calling, a book written using automatic writing, which has led to accusations of promoting occult practices.
  • The publisher, Thomas Nelson, has removed references to God Calling from recent editions of Jesus Calling and emphasizes that it reflects the author’s personal thoughts rather than messages from God.
  • Critics argue that presenting these personal musings as divine communication can be considered blasphemous.
  • Christian author Bob DeWaay cautions believers about books like Jesus Calling, urging discernment and a solid understanding of biblical teachings.

The Controversial Book: Jesus Calling

Jesus Calling is a bestselling Christian devotional written by Sarah Young. In the original version, Young speaks positively about God Calling and how it influenced her to receive messages from the Lord through writing. However, the fact that God Calling was written using automatic writing, an occult practice, has caused outcry among some Christians (First source).

The Influence of God Calling

In Jesus Calling, Sarah Young acknowledges the impact of God Calling on her approach to receiving divine messages. She credits the book with deepening her communication with God and inspiring her to engage in the practice of automatic writing, wherein she channels divine guidance through her pen (First source).

“God Calling opened the way for me to begin ‘listening to God.'” – Sarah Young

This connection between God Calling and Jesus Calling has sparked controversy within Christian circles due to the method of automatic writing used in the creation of God Calling.

The Controversy Surrounding Automatic Writing

Automatic writing is a technique employed in various spiritual and occult practices, including New Age spirituality. It involves allowing one’s hand to write or type subconsciously, often claimed to be guided by supernatural entities or higher powers (First source).

Many Christians believe that automatic writing is not compatible with biblical teachings and view it as a practice that opens the door to potentially deceptive spiritual influences. Consequently, the connection between Jesus Calling and God Calling, which relies on automatic writing, has ignited a significant controversy (First source).

In an effort to address these concerns, Thomas Nelson, the publisher of Jesus Calling, has taken steps to remove all references to God Calling from recent editions of the book (First source).

Controversy Response
Concerns about New Age elements References to God Calling removed
Doubts about the authenticity of divine messages Emphasis on Young’s own thoughts and inspirations
Accusations of blasphemy and subterfuge Continued popularity and defense of the book

The controversy surrounding Jesus Calling raises questions about the compatibility of automatic writing with Christian beliefs and practices. Critics argue that its connection to God Calling, a book written using automatic writing, undermines the credibility of the devotional and challenges established theological interpretations (First source).

Publisher’s Response to Controversy

Thomas Nelson, the publisher of the bestselling book Jesus Calling, has taken steps to address the controversy surrounding the book. In response to concerns raised by some readers, Thomas Nelson has implemented changes to ensure clarity and transparency.

One of the key changes made by Thomas Nelson is the removal of all references to God Calling from the book’s introduction. This decision aims to address the controversy surrounding the association between Jesus Calling and the book God Calling, which was written using automatic writing, an occult practice.

The revised edition of Jesus Calling emphasizes that it contains the personal thoughts and inspirations of author Sarah Young, rather than messages from God. This change aims to clarify the nature of the content presented in the book and alleviate concerns about its theological foundations.

Thomas Nelson’s Commitment to Addressing Controversy

“We understand the concerns expressed by some readers regarding the perceived connection between Jesus Calling and God Calling. As a publisher, we take these concerns seriously and have made changes to ensure transparency and maintain the trust of our readers.” – Thomas Nelson spokesperson

By addressing the controversy surrounding Jesus Calling, Thomas Nelson demonstrates its commitment to maintaining open communication with readers and addressing potential concerns. These changes provide readers with a clearer understanding of the book’s content and allow them to make informed decisions.

It is essential for publishers to be responsive to readers’ feedback and take appropriate measures to address any controversy that may arise. By doing so, publishers can maintain the integrity of their publications and foster trust within their audience.

Jesus Calling controversy image

Changes Made by Thomas Nelson in Response to Controversy Impact and Benefits
Removal of references to God Calling from the book’s introduction Clarifies the association between the two books and addresses concerns surrounding the use of automatic writing
Emphasis on the book containing Sarah Young’s personal thoughts and inspirations Provides transparency about the source of the content and avoids potential confusion about the book’s theological basis

Blasphemy or Subterfuge?

As the controversy surrounding Jesus Calling continues, critics are divided on the nature of the book’s content. Some argue that Sarah Young’s presentation of her personal musings as direct messages from God is nothing short of blasphemy. They believe that attributing divine authority to her thoughts and reflections is a disrespectful distortion of true spirituality (First source).

On the other hand, there are those who suggest that the publisher and Young are using subterfuge to navigate the controversy and maintain the book’s popularity. They contend that the removal of references to the occult book God Calling is an attempt to downplay the book’s controversial origins and deflect criticism (First source).

“Presenting one’s personal thoughts as if they were divinely inspired is a dangerous form of blasphemy. It undermines the integrity of true spiritual experiences and manipulates the beliefs of vulnerable individuals.

Regardless of which perspective one takes, the debate surrounding Jesus Calling raises important questions about the boundaries of religious belief and the interpretation of divine inspiration.

A Warning to Christians

Bob DeWaay, a Christian author and theologian, cautions Christians about the potential dangers posed by books like Jesus Calling. He argues that these books promote false teachings that are both new age and unbiblical. According to DeWaay, the teachings in Jesus Calling are not aligned with a biblical worldview and can lead to spiritual deception.

DeWaay emphasizes the importance of discernment in evaluating spiritual teachings. He encourages Christians to test the spirits and examine whether the messages presented align with biblical truths. Discernment, he believes, is crucial to avoid being led astray by false teachings and to uphold the integrity of one’s faith.

“Discernment is crucial in the spiritual journey, as false teachings can lead believers away from the truth. It is essential to test the spirits and ensure that what we embrace aligns with the teachings of the Bible.”

Bob DeWaay

DeWaay’s warning serves as a reminder to Christians to exercise discernment and critical thinking when it comes to books like Jesus Calling. While these books may have gained popularity, it is important to evaluate their teachings in light of biblical truths.

Discernment in Christian Faith

The Importance of Discernment

Discernment plays a crucial role in the life of a believer. It involves the ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood, genuine spiritual teachings and false doctrines. Through discernment, Christians can safeguard themselves from being led astray and uphold the integrity of their faith.

Key Points Significance
Identifying False Teachings Discernment helps believers recognize teachings that deviate from biblical truth, enabling them to steer clear of false doctrines.
Protecting Spiritual Well-Being By exercising discernment, Christians can protect themselves from spiritual deception and harmful influences.
Upholding Biblical Authority Discernment ensures that believers stay grounded in the authority of God’s Word, distinguishing it from other writings and teachings.
Safeguarding the Faith Community Discerning Christians can help guide others and prevent the spread of false teachings within their faith communities.

New Age Panentheism in Jesus Calling

Within the book Jesus Calling, Bob DeWaay identifies the presence of panentheistic ideas, which bear resemblance to the writings of New Age guru Eckhart Tolle. DeWaay argues that Sarah Young’s book promotes a romantic and sensual relationship with Jesus, deviating from the biblically grounded Christian worldview.

“Jesus Calling, in my analysis, promotes a wrong view of God, a very nonbiblical view of God. And this is the idea that God has nothing better to do than to show up and dictate to Sarah Young spiritual insights that she could actually write down… in the book. It’s not a proper way to think about our relationship with God… We would like to think like many New Agers think… that God and man are really not separate… we are sort of divine too, and Young seems to be promoting much of that.”

DeWaay’s perspective sheds light on the potential spiritual deception that can arise from embracing panentheism and New Age concepts within the context of Jesus Calling. By emphasizing the personal experience of a divine presence, Young’s book may lead readers away from the firm foundation of biblical truth.

The Dangers of Panentheism

Panentheism, derived from the Greek words “pan” (meaning all) and “en” (meaning in), is the belief that God is both transcendent and immanent within the universe. It suggests that divine presence permeates all creation, blurring the lines between the creator and the created.

Although some proponents of panentheism argue for the compatibility between its teachings and Christianity, many orthodox theologians view this concept as incompatible with the biblical understanding of God’s nature and the distinctiveness of the human-divine relationship.

Spiritual Deception and Biblical Worldview

Enabling readers to cultivate a personalized and often sensual connection with Jesus, as DeWaay points out, may lead individuals down a dangerous path of spiritual deception. The Christian faith emphasizes a relationship with God based on faith, obedience, and submission to His revealed Word. Deviating from this biblical worldview opens the door for subjective interpretations and distorted beliefs.

The intention behind Jesus Calling may be to provide comfort and encouragement to readers seeking a deeper spiritual connection. However, it is essential to exercise discernment and engage in careful examination of the theological implications presented within the book.

It is crucial for Christians to ground their faith in the authoritative teachings of Scripture and to discern between genuine spiritual guidance and teachings that may lead them astray from the biblical truth.

Jesus Calling as Devotion to Metaphysical Impressions

Bob DeWaay, a Christian author and theologian, offers a critical perspective on Jesus Calling, focusing on its deviation from the biblical meaning of “devotion.” According to DeWaay, the book promotes a devotion to metaphysical impressions rather than a genuine commitment to God’s Word and teachings. This departure from traditional devotion is a key concern for those who question the book’s compatibility with biblical Christianity. DeWaay draws a contrast by highlighting the early church’s devotion to the apostles’ teaching, which constituted the New Testament itself.

“Jesus Calling promotes a devotion to metaphysical impressions rather than a genuine commitment to God’s Word and teachings.”

Bob DeWaay, Christian author and theologian

DeWaay’s critique is centered around the idea that Jesus Calling elevates subjective experiences and impressions above the objective authority of the Bible. While the book may resonate with some readers seeking spiritual guidance, DeWaay cautions against placing too much emphasis on metaphysical impressions as a means of grace or spiritual growth. Instead, he advocates for a return to the foundation of biblical teachings and the apostolic tradition as the true source of spiritual nourishment.

Contrasting Approaches to Devotion

Traditional Devotion (Early Church) Jesus Calling’s Devotion to Metaphysical Impressions
Centered around the apostles’ teaching and New Testament Relies on personal impressions and subjective experiences
Emphasizes the objective authority of God’s Word Highlights subjective impressions as a means of grace
Grounded in the historical context of Christianity Incorporates metaphysical concepts influenced by New Age spirituality

This contrast underscores the theological implications of Jesus Calling’s approach to devotion. While the book has garnered a significant following, DeWaay encourages readers to exercise discernment and carefully evaluate the teachings they encounter. By prioritizing the study of the Bible and the apostolic tradition, Christians can maintain a firm foundation in their faith, guarding against potentially misleading metaphysical impressions.

Putting Words in Jesus’ Mouth cautions readers against viewing Sarah Young’s writings in Jesus Calling as new revelation from God. While the book has resonated with many readers, it is important to recognize the distinction between the authoritative words of Jesus in the Bible and the personal musings claimed by Young.

“The Bible is complete and sufficient for teaching and guidance,” states

Sarah Young, as the author of Jesus Calling, asserts that her words are spoken on behalf of Jesus. However, it is essential to approach such claims with discernment and weigh them against the ultimate authority of God’s Word.

The Bible, as the inspired and infallible Word of God, contains His definitive message and instructions for believers. It is through the Bible that God speaks to His people and reveals His nature, will, and character.

While Jesus Calling may provide personal reflections and insights, it should not be equated with the authoritative words of Jesus in the Bible. The book serves as a devotional tool, offering spiritual encouragement and support, but it does not supersede or replace the biblical teachings.

Jesus Calling and the Role of Discernment

Discernment is crucial when engaging with books like Jesus Calling or any spiritual teachings. As believers, it is essential to evaluate the message against the truth of God’s Word and the teachings of Jesus. This involves carefully examining the content, comparing it with biblical principles, and seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit.

While Jesus Calling has touched the lives of many readers and provided comfort in their spiritual journey, discernment helps to guard against potential deviations from biblical truth and protect against spiritual deception.

The Apostle John warns in 1 John 4:1, “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” It is with this biblical perspective and discerning spirit that readers can navigate the contents of Jesus Calling.

Pros Cons
Offers personal reflections and spiritual encouragement Claims to speak on behalf of Jesus, potentially blurring the lines between personal musings and divine revelation
Resonates with readers and provides comfort May deviate from biblical teachings and promote a romanticized view of Jesus
Encourages believers to seek a deeper relationship with God Can raise concerns for those who prioritize biblical authority and the sufficiency of God’s Word

In conclusion, while Jesus Calling has been impactful and meaningful for many readers, it is important to approach it with discernment, recognizing that it is not equivalent to the authoritative words of Jesus in the Bible. By grounded in the truth of God’s Word and seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit, believers can navigate this controversial book and discern its value in their spiritual journey.

The Danger of Seeking More Than God’s Word

In the book Jesus Calling, author Sarah Young displays a spiritual yearning that goes beyond the inspired Word of God. While the desire for a deeper connection with the divine is understandable, seeking additional revelations can lead to spiritual deception and dangerous beliefs.

The Bible, as God’s spoken Word, already encompasses the complete and authoritative message from Him. It contains everything we need for understanding and guidance in our spiritual journey. Seeking more than what God has already revealed can divert us away from the truth and open the door to false teachings.

It is crucial to approach books like Jesus Calling with discernment and a solid grounding in biblical teachings. While the devotional may resonate with some readers, it is important to remember that it is not on par with the Bible itself. The teachings and messages in Jesus Calling should be evaluated in light of the biblical context and aligned with a biblical worldview.

“I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

Revelation 22:18-19 (ESV)

As believers, our spiritual yearning should be rooted in the Bible and the truths it contains. We should approach any additional writings, including Jesus Calling, with caution, discernment, and a strong commitment to the authority of God’s Word. By staying true to the teachings of the Bible, we guard ourselves against deception and ensure that our spiritual journey remains faithful and grounded in truth.

spiritual yearning

Discerning Spirits and the Test of Faith

Discerning spirits is a crucial skill for Christians, especially in a world where false prophets and deceptive teachings abound. In the case of Jesus Calling, it is important to evaluate whether the message aligns with the confession that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. Unfortunately, Sarah Young’s portrayal of a spirit Jesus fails this test.

Discernment is essential because false prophets can often claim that their messages are from God. As believers, we are called to test the spirits and compare their teachings with the biblical worldview. By examining the content of Jesus Calling, we can discern whether it aligns with the teachings of Jesus and the biblical narrative.

According to the sources [Source 2] and [Source 3], there are concerns about the theological accuracy of Jesus Calling. These concerns arise from Young’s claims of receiving direct messages from Jesus and presenting them as divine revelations.

It is important to note that God’s Word, the Bible, is complete and sufficient. It is the ultimate authority for Christians, providing guidance, wisdom, and the truth about God’s character and purpose. It is through God’s Word that we can discern the authenticity of any spiritual message, including those claimed to be from Jesus.

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.” – 1 John 4:1

Discernment Guidelines Test of Faith
1. Does the message align with the biblical teachings?
2. Does the message glorify Jesus Christ and emphasize His redemptive work?
3. Does the message promote a biblical worldview?
4. Is the message consistent with the confession that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh?

Based on these discernment guidelines, Jesus Calling raises concerns regarding the biblical accuracy of its content. The emphasis on personal experiences and subjective impressions may lead individuals away from a solid biblical foundation and into spiritual deception.

As Christians, it is essential to lean on the authority of God’s Word and rely on the discernment given to us by the Holy Spirit. Only by holding fast to a biblical worldview can we navigate the spiritual landscape and grow in our faith.


The controversy surrounding Jesus Calling has sparked a heated debate regarding discernment and the authority of God’s Word. While some readers have found inspiration in Sarah Young’s book, it is crucial to approach such writings with discernment and a solid understanding of biblical teachings.

The New Age controversy surrounding Jesus Calling highlights the importance of discerning the spirits. As Christians, it is essential to test the messages we encounter against the confession that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, as outlined in the Bible. This discernment helps safeguard us from false prophets and spiritual deception.

Ultimately, the authority of God’s Word must remain foundational in our faith. While Jesus Calling has resonated with many, it is paramount to remember that the Bible is complete and sufficient for teaching and guidance. Seeking additional revelations beyond what God has already spoken can lead us down paths of false teachings and spiritual danger.

In the midst of the controversy, it is vital for readers to exercise discernment, engage in biblical study, and uphold the authority of God’s Word. By doing so, we can navigate the complexities of the New Age controversy surrounding Jesus Calling and ensure our faith remains grounded in the truth of the Gospel.


Is Jesus Calling a New Age book?

Jesus Calling has sparked a spiritual debate, with concerns raised about its New Age content. Critics argue that the book promotes ideas and practices that are inconsistent with biblical teachings.

What is the controversy surrounding Jesus Calling?

The controversy surrounding Jesus Calling stems from its connection to God Calling, a book written by two “automatic writers” who claimed to channel messages from God. Some Christians are concerned about the use of automatic writing, an occult practice, and question the authenticity of the messages in Jesus Calling.

How has the publisher responded to the controversy?

In response to the controversy, the publisher of Jesus Calling, Thomas Nelson, has made changes to the book. They have removed all references to God Calling from the book’s introduction and emphasized that the content of Jesus Calling is solely Sarah Young’s own thoughts and inspirations.

Is the portrayal of Jesus in Jesus Calling considered blasphemous?

Some critics argue that presenting Sarah Young’s personal musings as if they came directly from Jesus is blasphemous. They believe that Young’s book crosses the line by equating her words with divine revelation.

What are the dangers associated with books like Jesus Calling?

Christian author and theologian Bob DeWaay warns about the dangers of books like Jesus Calling. He cautions that such books deviate from biblical teachings and may lead to spiritual deception if readers are not discerning in evaluating their messages.

Does Jesus Calling promote New Age panentheism?

Bob DeWaay identifies panentheistic ideas in Jesus Calling, similar to those found in the writings of New Age guru Eckhart Tolle. He argues that the book promotes a romantic and sensual relationship with Jesus that is not in line with a biblical Christian worldview.

How does Jesus Calling deviate from traditional devotion?

According to DeWaay, Jesus Calling shifts the focus of devotion from the apostles’ teaching in the New Testament to metaphysical impressions and personal experiences. This departure from the biblical definition of devotion is a cause for concern among some Christians.

Is Sarah Young claiming to speak for Jesus in Jesus Calling?

Some critics argue that Sarah Young is claiming to speak for Jesus in Jesus Calling, presenting herself as a prophetess. They believe that her words should not be equated with the authoritative words of Jesus in the Bible.

Why is seeking more than God’s Word dangerous?

Seeking more than God’s inspired Word, as portrayed in Jesus Calling, is seen as a faulty premise by some. They believe that God has already spoken through the Bible and that seeking additional revelations can lead to spiritual deception.

How important is discerning spirits for Christians?

Discerning spirits is essential for Christians to guard against false prophets who claim to speak for God. Testing the spirits involves evaluating whether a message aligns with the confession that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. Some argue that the spirit portrayed in Jesus Calling fails this test.

What should readers keep in mind when approaching Jesus Calling?

While some readers find inspiration in Jesus Calling, it is crucial to approach such writings with discernment and a solid understanding of biblical teachings. The controversy surrounding the book raises important questions about discernment and the authority of God’s Word.

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