How Many Promises Are There in The Bible from God?

When it comes to the promises found in the Bible, the numbers can vary depending on different sources. However, an in-depth study conducted by Everet R. Storms, a Canadian schoolteacher, provides a more accurate count. After 27 readings of the Bible, Storms compiled a list of 8,810 promises, encompassing assurances from God to man, from one man to another, from God the Father to God the Son, and more. Additionally, a quick search on reveals that the word “promise” or its derivative appears 214 times in the Bible.

Key Takeaways:

  • The number of promises in the Bible varies, with estimates ranging from 3,000 to 30,000.
  • According to Everet R. Storms’ study, there are 8,810 promises identified in the Bible.
  • The word “promise” or its derivative appears 214 times in the Bible.

Types of Promises in the Bible

The Bible is filled with an array of promises made by God, man, angels, and even Satan. These promises reflect the diverse interactions and relationships portrayed in scripture. Understanding the different types of promises can provide deeper insights into the nature of these divine assurances.

God’s Promises

God’s promises to humanity are the most abundant in the Bible. According to Everet R. Storms’ comprehensive study, there are 7,487 promises made by God to man. These promises cover a wide range of topics, including provision, protection, guidance, and redemption. They offer hope and assurance to believers, emphasizing God’s faithfulness and love.

Promises Made by Man

In addition to God’s promises, the Bible also contains promises made by humans. These promises signify commitments made to God, to other individuals, or even to celestial beings. While they may not carry the same weight as God’s promises, they provide insights into human interactions and the importance of trust and integrity.

Angelic Promises

The Bible also records promises made by angels. Though they are not as numerous as God’s promises, these angelic assurances offer glimpses into divine interventions and the role of celestial beings in fulfilling God’s plans. They demonstrate the collaboration between heavenly and earthly realms in carrying out God’s purposes.

Promises Made by Satan

Surprisingly, the Bible even documents promises made by Satan. These deceitful assurances highlight the manipulative nature of the enemy and the temptations faced by humanity. They serve as reminders of the importance of discernment and the need to remain steadfast in faith.

Types of Promises Count
God’s Promises 7,487
Promises Made by Man 290
Angelic Promises 28
Promises Made by Satan 9

The table above provides a summary of the different types of promises found in the Bible.

God's promises

“For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.” – 2 Corinthians 1:20

The Significance of Bible Promises

Bible promises hold immense importance in the lives of believers, providing them with assurance, guidance, and a steadfast foundation for their faith. These promises, found throughout the scriptures, offer a glimpse into the unfailing love and divine plan of God.

At the core of these promises is the assurance of forgiveness, as God’s Word declares that those who repent and seek His forgiveness will be granted a fresh start. Moreover, believers are promised the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, who serves as a constant companion and source of strength in their journey of faith.

Among the most cherished promises are those of eternal life and abundant life through Jesus Christ. These promises instill hope and comfort in times of doubt and uncertainty, reminding believers that their ultimate destiny lies in the embrace of God’s eternal love.

While some promises may be specific to certain individuals or situations, many carry a universal applicability, offering solace and encouragement to all believers. The fulfillment of these promises not only strengthens one’s trust in God but also affirms His unwavering faithfulness throughout generations.

In embracing and relying on these promises, individuals can experience the transformative power of God’s word in their lives, finding solace, encouragement, and unwavering faith as they navigate the complexities of their spiritual journey.


How many promises are there in the Bible from God?

The number of promises in the Bible varies, with estimates ranging from 3,000 to 30,000. However, a more accurate count by Everet R. Storms identified 8,810 promises, including promises by God to man, one man to another, God the Father to God the Son, and more. The word “promise” or its derivative appears 214 times in the Bible.

What are the types of promises in the Bible?

The promises in the Bible can be classified into various categories. According to Everet R. Storms’ study, there are 7,487 promises made by God to man, making up the majority of the promises in the Bible. Additionally, there are 290 promises made by man to God, 28 promises made by angels, and even 9 promises made by Satan. Furthermore, there are 2 promises made by God the Father to God the Son and 1 promise made by a man to an angel. These different types of promises reflect the diverse interactions and relationships portrayed in the scriptures.

What is the significance of Bible promises?

Bible promises play a significant role in the lives of believers. They provide assurance and guidance, serving as a foundation for faith. Throughout the Bible, there are promises of forgiveness, the Holy Spirit, eternal life, and abundant life through Jesus Christ. These promises are described as exceeding great and precious and offer hope and comfort in times of doubt and uncertainty. While some promises are specific to certain individuals or situations, many promises are universal and applicable to all believers. The fulfillment of these promises strengthens believers’ trust in God and His faithfulness. By embracing and relying on these promises, individuals can experience the transformative power of God’s word in their lives.

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