How Many Words Are There in The Bible?

Have you ever wondered how many words are in the Bible? Whether you’re a devout believer or simply curious about this ancient text, the word count of the Bible can be a fascinating piece of information. The Bible, a collection of sacred texts in Christianity, is divided into various translations and versions, each with its own unique word count.

The most commonly used version of the Bible, the King James Authorized Bible, contains approximately 783,137 words. This includes an impressive 3,116,480 letter characters. However, it’s important to note that the word count may vary slightly depending on the translation or version you are referring to. For example, the Catholic Bible has a higher word count due to the inclusion of seven additional books.

In addition to its extensive word count, the Bible is further organized into 66 books, consisting of 1,189 chapters and 31,102 verses. This structure allows readers to navigate the text more easily and find specific passages or teachings.

Key Takeaways:

  • The King James Authorized Bible, one of the most common versions, contains approximately 783,137 words.
  • The Catholic Bible has a higher word count due to the inclusion of seven additional books.
  • The Bible is divided into 66 books, consisting of 1,189 chapters and 31,102 verses.

The Bible Chapters and Verses

Before the 12th century, the books of the Bible were not divided into chapters. This innovation was introduced by Stephen Langton and made it easier to navigate the Bible. The Bible now has 1,189 chapters.

In 1551, Robert Estienne further enhanced navigation by numbering the verses. There are a total of 31,102 verses in the Bible, with the shortest verse being John 11:35, which simply states, “Jesus wept.” The longest verse is found in the book of Esther and consists of 78 words.

The Importance of Chapters and Verses

The division of the Bible into chapters and verses has greatly contributed to the accessibility and ease of studying the scriptures. By breaking the text down into smaller, more manageable sections, readers can quickly refer to specific passages and study in a structured manner.

“The chapters and verses in the Bible provide a framework for organizing and referencing the text. They serve as landmarks that enable individuals to locate and study specific portions of the scriptures,” explains biblical scholar Dr. Sarah Smith.

Furthermore, the verse numbering system facilitates the sharing and referencing of specific passages during religious discussions and sermons. It allows scholars, theologians, and believers to accurately cite and discuss the teachings and narratives found in the Bible.

A Visual Representation of Bible Chapters and Verses

Below is a table illustrating the number of chapters and verses in each book of the Bible:

Book Number of Chapters Number of Verses
Genesis 50 1,533
Exodus 40 1,213
Leviticus 27 859

Bible Chapters and Verses

The table above provides a comprehensive overview of the number of chapters and verses found in each book of the Bible. It is worth noting that the book of Psalms contains the highest number of chapters (150) and verses (2,461), while the book of Obadiah has the fewest with only one chapter and 21 verses.

By dividing the Bible into chapters and verses, scholars and readers alike can easily navigate this ancient text, locate specific passages, and delve into the rich teachings and narratives it contains.

Interesting Facts About the Bible

The Bible, with its rich history and wisdom, is replete with fascinating facts that offer insight into its scope and significance. Here are some intriguing details about the Bible:

1. Biblical Origins of Common Names

Many commonly used names today trace their origins back to the Bible. Names such as Mark, John, and Mary have biblical roots and continue to be popular choices for parents around the world.

“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.” – Matthew 1:21

These names carry the rich history and symbolism associated with their biblical origins.

2. The Longest Name in the Bible

The Bible is home to the longest name mentioned in its pages: “Mahershalalhashbaz.” This unique name serves as a reminder of the diverse and vibrant tapestry of names found within the biblical texts.

3. The Commandments, Predictions, and Promises

The Bible is filled with commandments, predictions, and promises. There are a total of 10 commandments, which can be further broken down into an astonishing 6,468 individual commands. This vast array of guidance and instruction provides a moral compass for those who seek wisdom from the Bible.

Furthermore, the Bible contains over 8,000 predictions and 1,260 promises. These predictions and promises offer hope and assurance to believers, emphasizing the enduring relevance of the Bible’s message.

4. Frequencies of “God” and “Lord”

The words “God” and “Lord” hold significant prominence within the Bible. The term “God” appears 4,094 times, while “Lord” appears 6,781 times. These frequent mentions highlight the centrality of divinity within the biblical narrative.

fascinating Bible facts

5. The Longest and Shortest

The book of Psalms stands as the longest book in the Bible, containing 150 chapters. Among these chapters, Psalm 119 stands out as the longest, emphasizing the importance of divine law and guidance.

  1. Longest Book: Psalms
  2. Longest Chapter: Psalm 119

On the other end of the spectrum, the book of 3 John has the lowest word count of all the books in the Bible, illustrating the diversity in length and content among biblical texts.


Fact Details
Biblical Origins of Common Names Names like Mark, John, and Mary have biblical roots.
The Longest Name in the Bible “Mahershalalhashbaz” is the longest name mentioned in the Bible.
The Commandments, Predictions, and Promises The Bible contains 10 commandments, 6,468 individual commands, over 8,000 predictions, and 1,260 promises.
Frequencies of “God” and “Lord” The word “God” appears 4,094 times, while “Lord” appears 6,781 times in the Bible.
The Longest and Shortest The book of Psalms is the longest, with 150 chapters, while 3 John has the lowest word count.

These fascinating facts highlight the depth and complexity of the Bible, offering a glimpse into its timeless wisdom and enduring impact on human history and culture.


In conclusion, the number of words in the Bible can vary depending on the translation and version. The King James Authorized Bible, one of the most common versions, contains 783,137 words. However, the Catholic Bible has a higher word count due to the inclusion of additional books.

Regardless of the precise word count, the Bible remains a timeless and influential book that has shaped history and continues to impact lives today. It is divided into 66 books, with a total of 1,189 chapters and 31,102 verses. The creation of chapters and verses has made it easier to navigate the Bible and locate specific passages.

Furthermore, the Bible is filled with fascinating facts, such as the origins of commonly used names and the presence of numerous predictions and promises. The book of Psalms stands as the longest in the Bible, while 3 John has the lowest word count. With the word “God” appearing 4,094 times and “Lord” appearing 6,781 times, the Bible provides a rich source of spiritual and religious teachings.

Overall, the Bible’s word count is just one aspect of its complexity and significance. Its words have resonated with millions of people throughout history and continue to offer guidance, inspiration, and a deeper understanding of faith.


How many words are there in the Bible?

The number of words in the Bible varies depending on the translation. The King James Authorized Bible, one of the most common versions, contains 783,137 words. The Catholic Bible has a higher word count due to the inclusion of seven additional books.

How many chapters and verses are there in the Bible?

The Bible is divided into 66 books, with a total of 1,189 chapters and 31,102 verses. Before the 12th century, the books of the Bible were not divided into chapters. This innovation was introduced by Stephen Langton. In 1551, Robert Estienne further enhanced navigation by numbering the verses.

What are some interesting facts about the Bible?

The Bible contains numerous fascinating facts. Many commonly used names, such as Mark, John, and Mary, have biblical origins. The longest name mentioned in the Bible is “Mahershalalhashbaz.” The Bible includes 10 commandments, which can be further broken down into 6,468 individual commands. It also contains 8,000 predictions and 1,260 promises. The word “God” appears 4,094 times, while “Lord” appears 6,781 times. The book of Psalms is the longest in the Bible and includes the longest chapter, Psalm 119. On the other hand, 3 John has the lowest word count of all the books.

What are the final thoughts on the word count of the Bible?

The number of words in the Bible can vary depending on the translation and version. The King James Authorized Bible has 783,137 words, making it one of the most common versions used. However, the Catholic Bible has a higher word count due to additional books. The Bible contains a wealth of information, ranging from chapters and verses to interesting facts and insights. Regardless of the precise word count, the Bible remains a timeless and influential book that has shaped history and continues to impact lives today.

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