How Many Mary Are There in The Bible?

In the New Testament, the name Mary appears 54 times, spread across 49 verses. With its popularity among Jewish women in the Roman province of Judaea, approximately one in four women bore this name. However, there is ongoing debate among scholars and traditions regarding the number of distinct women these references represent and which of them refer to the same person.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mary’s name appears 54 times in the New Testament, in 49 verses.
  • About one in four women in the Roman province of Judaea had the name Mary.
  • There is scholarly disagreement on the number of distinct women named Mary in the Bible.

Mary, Mother of Jesus

Mary, the mother of Jesus, is one of the most important figures in Christianity. Revered as the mother of the Savior, she holds a central role in the New Testament. Mentioned by name in various Gospel accounts, Mary’s significance extends beyond her biological relationship with Jesus to her unwavering faith and devotion.

“And the angel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus.'” – Gospel of Luke

In the Gospel of Luke, Mary plays a prominent role in the events surrounding Jesus’ birth and early childhood. The iconic Annunciation scene depicts the angel Gabriel appearing to Mary, informing her of God’s plan for her to conceive and bear a son who will be called Jesus. This momentous encounter between Mary and the angel demonstrates her faith and willingness to fulfill God’s divine purpose. It is through Mary’s consent that the Incarnation occurs, making her the chosen vessel through whom Jesus enters the world.

In addition to the Gospel of Luke, Mary is also mentioned in other Gospel accounts, such as the Gospel of Matthew. Though her role is less prominent in Matthew’s narrative, she is still recognized as the mother of Jesus, highlighting her importance in the life and ministry of Christ.

Theotokos: The God-Bearer

Mary’s significance is further emphasized by her title as Theotokos, which means “God-bearer” in Greek. This title reflects the belief that Mary gave birth to the Son of God, making her the mother of both Jesus’ humanity and divinity. The Theotokos title affirms Mary’s unique role in salvation history and her vital connection to the Incarnation.

The veneration of Mary, also known as the Madonna, extends beyond biblical accounts and is an integral part of Christian tradition and theology. As the mother of Jesus, she is seen as a model of faith, humility, and obedience. Devotion to Mary spans various denominations, with prayers, hymns, and artwork dedicated to her throughout history.

Gospel Number of Mentions
Gospel of Luke 12
Gospel of Matthew 5
Gospel of Mark 1
Book of Acts 1

In conclusion, Mary, as the mother of Jesus, holds a significant place in Christian theology and devotion. Her role in the Gospel accounts showcases her faith and willingness to fulfill God’s plan. The title Theotokos emphasizes her unique role as the God-bearer, affirming her connection to the Incarnation. The multiple mentions of Mary in the Gospels highlight her importance in the life and ministry of Jesus, solidifying her position as one of the most revered female figures in biblical history.

Mary Magdalene and Other Marys

In addition to Mary, the mother of Jesus, there are several other prominent figures named Mary in the Bible. One of the most well-known is Mary Magdalene, who is mentioned 13 times in the Gospels. Mary Magdalene holds a special place in Christian history as a devoted follower of Jesus and the first person to witness His resurrection. Her unwavering faith and dedication serve as an inspiration to believers around the world.

Another Mary mentioned in the Bible is Mary of Bethany, the sister of Lazarus and Martha. She is known for her deep reverence for Jesus and her desire to learn from Him. In one notable account, Mary of Bethany sat at Jesus’ feet, listening attentively to His teachings while her sister Martha busied herself with household chores. Jesus commended Mary for choosing the better part, emphasizing the importance of spiritual nourishment.

Mary of Clopas is another figure who appears in connection with Jesus’ crucifixion and burial. While there is some debate among scholars, some believe that Mary of Clopas may be identified with “the other Mary” mentioned in the Gospels. She stood faithfully by Jesus’ side during His darkest hours, witnessing His suffering and death on the cross. Additionally, Mary, the mother of James and Joseph, is mentioned as present at the crucifixion and later bringing spices to Jesus’ tomb.

Mary Notable Mention
Mary Magdalene The first person to see Jesus after His resurrection
Mary of Bethany Sat at Jesus’ feet, emphasizing the importance of spiritual nourishment
Mary of Clopas Connected to Jesus’ crucifixion and burial
Mary, mother of James and Joseph Present at the crucifixion and brought spices to Jesus’ tomb

These different Marys mentioned in the Bible play significant roles in the narrative of Jesus’ life and the early Christian movement. They exemplify devotion, faithfulness, and a desire to be close to Jesus. Through their actions and witness, they contribute to the rich tapestry of biblical history, reminding us of the diverse experiences and contributions of women in the Bible.

Mary Magdalene


The biblical history is enriched by the presence of several women named Mary, each playing unique and significant roles. Among them, Mary, the mother of Jesus, stands out as the chosen one to bear the Savior of the world. Her importance in Christianity cannot be overstated, as she is mentioned multiple times in the Gospels, particularly in Luke and Matthew.

In addition to Mary, the mother of Jesus, we encounter other Marys who contribute to the biblical narrative in their own way. Mary Magdalene, known for her unwavering devotion to Jesus, holds the distinction of being the first person to witness His resurrection. Mary of Bethany, the sister of Lazarus and Martha, displayed her love for Jesus by sitting at His feet and anointing Him with precious oil. Then there is Mary of Clopas, possibly the same person referred to as “the other Mary,” who played a role in Jesus’ crucifixion and burial.

The presence of multiple Marys in the Bible serves as a reminder of the diverse experiences and contributions of women throughout biblical history. Their stories exemplify the significance of women in the narrative of faith. From the chosen vessel to the devoted follower, these Marys demonstrate the crucial role women play in shaping and carrying forward the teachings and legacy of Christianity.


How many times does the name Mary appear in the New Testament?

The name Mary appears 54 times in the New Testament, in 49 verses.

How popular was the name Mary among Jews in the Roman province of Judaea?

The name Mary was the most popular female name among Jews in the Roman province of Judaea, borne by about one in four women.

How many distinct women do the references to Mary represent?

Scholars and traditions differ as to how many distinct women the references to Mary represent and which of them refer to the same person.

How many times is Mary, the mother of Jesus, mentioned in the Gospels?

Mary, the mother of Jesus, is mentioned by name twelve times in the Gospel of Luke, five times in the Gospel of Matthew, once in the Gospel of Mark, and once in the Book of Acts.

What is Mary’s role in the Gospel of Luke?

Mary’s role is most prominent in the Gospel of Luke, where she is present during significant events such as the Annunciation and the Finding in the Temple.

How many times is Mary Magdalene mentioned in the Gospels?

Mary Magdalene is mentioned 13 times in the Gospels and is known for being a dedicated follower of Jesus and the first person to see Him after His resurrection.

Who is Mary of Bethany?

Mary of Bethany is the sister of Lazarus and Martha, known for sitting at Jesus’ feet and anointing Him with costly oil.

Who is Mary of Clopas?

Mary of Clopas is mentioned in connection with Jesus’ crucifixion and burial and may be identified with “the other Mary” mentioned in the Gospels.

Who is Mary, the mother of James and Joseph?

Mary, the mother of James and Joseph, is mentioned as watching the crucifixion and bringing spices to Jesus’ tomb.

What is the significance of the various Marys in biblical history?

The various Marys mentioned in the Bible remind us of the diverse experiences and contributions of women in biblical history.

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